Farmajo's greed will cause a major crisis - Dream Smart


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Farmajo's greed will cause a major crisis

 Farmajo wants to make Somalia a failed state before the international community because he does not want to achieve elections. We all bear responsibility for the heads of the regions loyal to Farmajo

It is necessary to address Farmajo and the corruption he is doing to the elections. The international community will boycott Somalia if the elections continue in this way, and all this is because of Farmajo and his actions.

Interim Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble chaired tonight a vision meeting attended by the heads of the National Consultative Council made up of the federal government, heads of state and the mayor of Mogadishu.

A statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office said that meeting tonight to discuss the elections has been scheduled for Mogadishu with the heads of state.

 Next Thursday, August 19, it was agreed to hold a meeting of the National Consultative Council in Mogadishu, which will focus on preparations for the parliamentary elections, among other things.

 He explained that "the National Shura Council agreed to convene in Mogadishu next Thursday, August 19, which will focus on preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections, preparing electoral procedures, finding funding for the remainder of the elections and how to move forward." Statement from Roble's office

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