Farmajo sells Somalia to Turkey - Dream Smart


Monday, August 2, 2021

Farmajo sells Somalia to Turkey

 Somalia is experiencing many crises and problems in it, and they are increasing every day because of the dictatorial policies that Farmajo takes and that he is working not to hold any elections in the country and is trying with all his might to extend himself

He uses all his followers to obstruct and disrupt any elections that take place in Somalia, and all this so that he enjoys his authority and his position and does not want to step down from him. He draws all his forces and support from Turkey and Qatar, as they provide him with all support to remain in his position

Turkey continues to train Somali soldiers, exploits them for its own benefit, and then sends them to Somalia so that they are under the orders of the dictator Farmajo and have the power to rule the country and continue his dictatorial rule.

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