lunar eclipse phenomenon - Dream Smart


Saturday, July 24, 2021

lunar eclipse phenomenon

 A lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the Earth's shadow blocks sunlight reflected on the moon in normal conditions. This phenomenon occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are in complete planetary conjunction (total eclipse) or approximate (partial eclipse).

The phenomenon of a lunar eclipse arises in the middle of the lunar month when the Earth blocks the light of the sun or part of it from the moon. At the rate of two eclipses per year. Eclipses can be seen in areas where the moon is above the horizon. This phenomenon occurs through the following stages

1. The moon begins to enter the penumbra of the Earth, and its light begins to dim without fading (a semi-shadow eclipse in the astronomical term). The semi-shadow region where some of the sunlight is blocked from the moon by the earth.

2. Then the moon begins to enter the umbra of the Earth, and the partial eclipse begins. The Earth's shadow is the area where the Sun is completely obscured by the Earth.

3. The entire disk of the moon will be eclipsed when it completes its entry into the Earth's shadow area.

4. Then the moon begins to leave the shadow of the Earth, and the total eclipse ends.

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