Farmajo writes self-defense and attacks opposition, Jubaland and P / L - Dream Smart


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Farmajo writes self-defense and attacks opposition, Jubaland and P / L

 Outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has defended himself against accusations of tyranny in a commentary in Foreign Policy, as well as attacking the opposition and the Jubaland and Puntland administrations.

"Somalia's elections have not been postponed because I want to stay in power, as some people falsely argue, but it has been delayed by a political stalemate that has divided the federal government and some member states. on how to move forward, ”said Farmajo.

He said at the heart of the dispute was that his government wanted direct elections and those who "want an indirect election that empowers politicians and denies ordinary people their votes."

"It is time for the international community to ask: Why are the Somali people being held hostage every four years by a few tribal elders and regional administration leaders," he said.

Farmajo said in June 2018 his government and regional administrations agreed to elect a person and a vote, but that did not happen after all five states withdrew from the agreement, opposing the empowerment of the people, he said. set.

He added that he was deeply disappointed by the resumption of negotiations and an indirect election process on September 17, 2020, which he accepted.

"This process collapsed shortly after the leaders of Puntland and Jubaland returned from trips in November 2020 to the United Arab Emirates and Kenya - two countries with which Somalia has no strong ties," Farmajo said.

He said it was a long process after parliament passed a law allowing the country to hold elections in one year and one vote, which he signed.

However, he said, this was the result of strong resentment by the opposition and members of the international community, which again forced his government to resign, according to the statement.

He accused the opposition of inciting violence in Mogadishu as a result of the parliament's decision. He described the violence as an opportunity for those who incited it.

He concluded by saying that another attempt would be made this month to reach an agreement on an indirect electoral system, led by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, and ensure that it becomes an inclusive electoral system. lead you to the first and most possible opportunity.

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