The right of the Somali people will not be lost even if Kenya withdraws from the issue of defining water borders - Dream Smart


Sunday, March 14, 2021

The right of the Somali people will not be lost even if Kenya withdraws from the issue of defining water borders

After Kenya’s withdrawal from the issue of the water borders and its insistence on plundering the Somali Sea, they must be confronted. Somalia’s position is correct and this is our right, and Farmajo must act quickly.

Farmajo exploits the issue of water borders for the sake of continuity in power, but Kenya will not leave the Somali Sea and withdraw from the issue. So what is Farmajo's position on what is happening? Should he leave our possessions to Kenya?

Farmajo did not intervene after Kenya’s withdrawal from the issue of water borders. This is a great betrayal to the Somali people. Farmajo’s silence will make Kenya encroach on Somalia.

The meeting called for a solution to the conflict between Somalia and Kenya at sea and the stagnant cheese pattern. Transferring the position of Somali pirates as prey to standing.

On several previous occasions Farmajo held meetings to resolve the maritime dispute between Kenya and Somalia in the east, and if he did not act it would be national theft.

But now is the time to move forward in regaining Kenya's territorial waters and not turning a blind eye to piracy in Somalia.

Unfortunately, Kenya has taken advantage of the brittle cheese system that has so far failed to clarify our position on piracy.

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