Al-Shabab's warning to Farmajo by bombing near him - Dream Smart


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Al-Shabab's warning to Farmajo by bombing near him

Due to problems between Al-Shabaab and Farmajo, Al-Shabaab exploded a car in the vicinity of the palace as a signal for Farmajo to solve the problems

There are problems between Al-Shabab and Farmajo regarding the elections, and this led to the car bombing near the Republican Palace

The bombing was a warning from Al-Shabaab to Farmajo to make them know that they are able to do anything and are able to destroy him because of the actions he does that are not in their interest.

One of the reasons for the problems between Faramajo and Fahd Yassin is that Farmajo did not support the tribes, including Al-Shabab factions, enough support, in addition to that he preferred his tribe over the rest of the tribes.

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