Farmajo's destroying to Somalia cross all the limits - Dream Smart


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Farmajo's destroying to Somalia cross all the limits

 Farmajo disrupts HirShabele region

Protesters took to the streets today in Baldwin, burning tires and throwing stones. HirShabelle President Ali Gudlawi is visiting the town, although Hiraan residents will not allow Gudlawi to be nominated as HirShabelle president due to differences in power-sharing arrangements among the region's clans.

The situation in Beledweyne is currently tense and unpopular with many people arrested in recent weeks, leading to a delegation from the government, particularly Interior Minister Mukhtar Arafa, who arrived on Thursday to report on the situation. They said that the national army did not intervene, which seems to be baseless. He did not miss the intervention of the national army and they can not be absent there. That is why the interior minister was sent to Gudlawi to bring him to his community. get a voice in the upcoming election days and the people understand that and that is why they are protesting and dividing the society in which they are being held.

The news adds that a free pres
Detained and detained by a number of journalists in violation of international media norms

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