Farmajo and his evil plans - Dream Smart


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Farmajo and his evil plans

 Farmajo wants to deceive the youth and confront the politicians

Farmajo has taken a step towards confronting the youth and the elders of Somalia by calling the elders and former politicians some who have done nothing for the country and making him believe that everything that has been achieved is based on what others see as backwardness and destruction in the country. In a speech to the recent Electoral Commission meeting, Farmajo said that the youth have been involved in politics and that they have the right to be involved.

The statement comes at a time when Farmajo wants to wrap up the entire electoral commission, which is not expected to be fair because there is a lot of fraud that is leading the commission to turn to Farmapeople

The statement was also aimed at creating a rift between Somali youth and the elderly in order to gain the full support of today's youth, especially those who have been elected to the Somali parliament's electoral commission, which has led Farmajo to pave the way for his return. the presidency of the Somali people in the name of the power and resources of the Somali people for the establishment of an inclusive, reconciliation government in the Somali territory and a safe haven for the Somali people.

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