Erdogan's plan to control Somalia - Dream Smart


Friday, October 2, 2020

Erdogan's plan to control Somalia

Erdogan's plan to control Somalia and penetrate into the African continent

It seems that the dreams of the Ottoman caliphate of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have come to dominate all of Ankara's foreign policies 

As Erdogan seeks to penetrate the continent of Africa through the Somalia gate by controlling its government and influencing its poor people.

The Turkish President seeks to Turkishize Somalia and turn it into a state under his control, remove it from its Arab surroundings, and cancel its Arab identity by leaving the names of streets and hospitals, establishing schools to teach children the Turkish language, and influencing the decision of their governments in favor of his project in the region and the Horn of Africa.

The Turkish penetration into Somalia began after a Turkish delegation headed by then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the Somali capital, Mogadishu, in 2011, during the famine that swept the country.

After four years, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan returned again to visit Somalia after he became the president of his country, as he signed with the Somali government several agreements covering all economic, security, military and health fields, all of which, although on the surface seem to benefit Somalia and the Somali people, but the greater returns from them and their profits are due. to Turkey". 


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