Somali Soldiers Chant the Turkish Anthem In Libya - Dream Smart


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Somali Soldiers Chant the Turkish Anthem In Libya

Turkey has expanded its presence in several Arab countries by always using the pretext of providing military support and training. That was done in Syria and Libya in particular. Turkey also uses a second key called political Islam, for the same goals.

The training operations carried out by the Turkish army in Somalia include basic training for about three months in Mogadishu, and then transporting the soldiers by air to the commando center in the state of Sparta, western Turkey, as all the mercenaries of various nationalities who were trained there, receiving additional training for three months. Those soldiers who completed their training in Sparta would join the ranks of the Somali army, to complete the tasks assigned to them and participate in sensitive operations.

The statements of high ranked Turkish officials about these sensitive operations did not tell the truth. When 15 to 16 thousand soldiers graduate from the Turkish training center, one third of the Somali army would be trained by Turkey. Some leaked information revealed that Turkey intends to send Somali mercenaries to Libya, to participate in the possible battles of Sirte and Jufrah.

Despite the UN resolutions that called on Ankara to stop its intervention in Libya, especially the takeaways of the Berlin conference and despite the Turkish ambassador’s denial of these leaks, his acts say the opposite. Ahval website reported that the Somali soldiers have learnt Turkish language, reading and writing, and alongside the Somali national anthem, they chant the anthem of the war forces and the Turkish Izmir Military anthem.

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