Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Somali government announces the killing of more than 100 Al-Shabaab members in a battle in Mudug region

The Somali government

The Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism in the Federal Government of Somalia, Dawud Awis Jama, revealed the details of the recent violent battle that took place in the Shabello area of ​​Mudug District, Galmudug State.

The minister pointed out that more than 100 Al-Shabaab members were killed during the battle in which Somali government forces and local militias allied with them participated.

A statement from the ministry said that the Kharijites took refuge in a forest in the Mudug region with the aim of establishing a stronghold there, but the allied forces launched an attack on them and succeeded in expelling them from their haven. They also succeeded in seizing the weapons of the fleeing Al-Shabaab militants.

The government stated that over the past two months, Al-Shabaab had suffered heavy casualties and that government forces and militias were able to liberate areas that were under the group's oppressive rule.

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