Wednesday, October 18, 2023

America offers $5 million to find the deputy leader of Al-Shabaab

America offers $5 million to find the deputy leader of Al-Shabaab

The United States offered a reward of $5 million
For those who provide information about the deputy leader of Al-Shabaab, Abu Bakr Ali Adam.
The State Department's Rewards for Justice Program announced the reward Tuesday for information leading to Adam's identity or location.

The United States originally sanctioned Adam as a global terrorist in January 2018.
The United States has already offered rewards worth $10 million for information on other Al-Shabaab leaders, including Prince Ahmed Diri or Abu Ubaida, operations commander Mohd Kartai, and explosives expert Jihad Mustafa. Mustafa is an American citizen and holds multiple roles within Al-Shabaab.

The United States designated Al-Shabaab as a terrorist organization in 2008
The group has been fighting to overthrow the Somali government for more than 16 years.

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