The “Hardcore Aww” Online Group Shares Pics Of Wild Animals That Are Just Dangerously Cute. - Dream Smart


Saturday, October 8, 2022

The “Hardcore Aww” Online Group Shares Pics Of Wild Animals That Are Just Dangerously Cute.

 Dangerous or dangerously adorable? That’s the question that’s been running in our heads non-stop ever since we found out about the existence of the ‘Hardcore AWW’ online community. A subreddit uniting a whopping 333k internet users, r/hardcoreaww invites people to share photos of wild, proud, and

powerful animals that could destroy you in a heartbeat if they wanted to, doing incredibly cute things. The aim of the subreddit isn’t just to melt our hearts with wholesome pics of cute cheetahs, lions, wolves, and magnificent bears, though. The subreddit hopes to raise awareness about these big but lovable ‘hardcore’ animals in the hopes of protecting them and their habitats.

 All of the photos shared are taken in either the animals' natural habitats or wildlife sanctuaries, without any malicious interference from human beings. We’ve collected some of the very best pics from r/hardcoreaww to share with you Pandas, so go on—scroll down and check ‘em out. Let us know which of these BIG, fierce, and independent visitors you wouldn't mind running free on your (theoretical) massive plot of land in the wild. Have you ever worked with animal conservation? Do you volunteer with big animals? If so, tell us all about your job in the comments. Obligatory warning about dangerous levels of cuteness ahead. Remember: no petting the cubs (unless you don’t mind sharp nibbles and noms)—stick to upvotes and respectful admiration from a distance.

 Meanwhile, read on for Bored Panda's interview with a representative of the Born Free Foundation, an international wildlife charity that protects wild animals in their natural habitat, campaigns against the keeping of wild animals in captivity, and rescues wild animals in need. They explained why it's vital that wild animals not be mistreated in the pursuit of cute photos and that we shouldn't ignore the plight of endangered species that don't look as adorable.

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