Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The meaning of Fahad Yassin's statement is that he should distance himself from the relationship between him and Alshabab in order to escape from the crimes he committed.


Fahad yasin

The former director of Somalia's national intelligence and security agency, Fahad Yassin, released a message on July 23 that could be easily understood in its context, in which he spoke about the Al-Shabaab attack in parts of the Bakool region and Western Somali.

Fahad Yassin, in some parts of his writing, it is said that he knows the West Somali as a neighboring country of Ethiopia while Somalia does not accept anywhere that that land is Ethiopia.

Fahad Yassin called on the new government of Hassan Sheikh not to deal with the fact that Al-Shabaab has moved to a neighboring country. To show such a feeling now is to blame the security failure of the Somali government and to show Ethiopia that Hassan Sheikh's group they don't care to go to their side.

So while Fahad was NISA and while he was an advisor to Farmajo, Al-Shabaab crossed into Kenya several times, and he did not say that this is a big threat to the neighborhood and the stability of the region.

Al-Shabaab has also expanded to 70% of southern Somalia, when he was the head of intelligence, the purpose of his speech is to work in the conflict between Hassan Sheikh and Ethiopia.

Many times the former director of NISA, Fahad Yassin, has been accused of having good relations with Al-Shabaab, In his statement, he accused Al-Shabaab and their invasion, and he shows that he is far from that group in order to weaken the accusations linking him with Alshabab.

However, while Fahad was the director of NISA and before, it was said several times that he was an accomplice to the Al-Shabaab group, and earlier the former deputy director of NISA Abdalla Abdalla submitted to the armed forces court a case related to Fahad's connivance. belonging to the Al-Shabaab group.

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