Singer Abshir Garane was forced to declare Al-Shabaab by Farmajo's government - Dream Smart


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Singer Abshir Garane was forced to declare Al-Shabaab by Farmajo's government



Singer Abshir Garane Ahmed, a victim of the Somali National Intelligence Service (NISA), gave the longest interview since his release in 2021.

In 2020, Abshir Garane was admitted on NISA's Twitter account, confessing to being a member of al-Shabaab for 13 years, but singer Abshir, a victim of Farmajo's government, was tortured and forced to confess to al-Alshabab.

Farmajo and Fahad Yassin have used the presidency as a prison for torturing their opponents, accusing them of being members of al-Shabaab, confess what they wanted from the tortured men who arrested Jilicow.

Farmajo & Fahad have committed many atrocities in the country such as imprisonment and torture of dissenting people, such as the artist Abshir Garane Ahmed and atrocities that led him to claim that he is Al-Shabaab.

He said he was now free, but had not received any compensation or justice from the previous government in his case, as he had been severely tortured, tarnished in public, wasted a lot of time and spent a long prison term.

In order for the public to receive justice, Farmajo and Fahad Yassin, who are accused of crimes against humanity, must be brought to justice.

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