Saturday, February 26, 2022

National Consultative Assembly announces new March 15 deadline for elections.

The National Consultative Assembly held a meeting on February 24, 2022 on the far-sighted approach (ZOOM) to discuss the completion of the BFS Parliamentary by-elections, as the deadline for finalizing the elections is 25 February 2022.

The meeting was chaired by the Prime Minister of the FGS, HE Mohamed Hussein Roble, and attended by the Presidents of the FGS Member States of Puntland HE Said Abdullahi Deni, Galmudug Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoor Qoor, Jubaland Ahmed Mohamed Islam, South West Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed Laftagareen , Hirshabelle Ali Abdullahi Hussein Gudlawe and the Governor of Banadir Region Mr. Omar Mohamud Mohamed Filish.

The National Consultative Assembly, after discussions and deliberations, expressed its displeasure that the election of the members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament did not take place on the scheduled date of 25 February 2022.

The Council acknowledged that there were a number of challenges that led to the delay, including; Corruption and looting by Farmajo, the drought situation in the country that has had a major impact on the states, increased security tensions in some constituencies and financial constraints on the allocation of funds for the conduct of the elections.

The National Consultative Assembly has decided that the election of all the remaining seats in the House of the People must be completed by 15 March 2022.

Opposition groups called for a boycott of the by-elections, saying "there are no circumstances that could delay the election."

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Survivors of the Somali army in Eritrea are being repatriated

Controversial Eritrean-trained troops will soon be repatriated to the country after their participation in the Tigrean conflict, military generals have confirmed.

The troops are expected to arrive in Mogadishu in early February and are scheduled to be stationed at General Gordan's compound, where residents have been ordered to evacuate.

It is said that each soldier will receive a salary of $ 300, which means that they will be equal to Gorgor, who earns $ 300.

The troops, who are based in Eritrea, have recently been the subject of intense criticism. Residents in the Tigrean region of northern Ethiopia say Somali forces have carried out massacres in their region.

A Canadian newspaper, The Globe and Mail, quoted witnesses as saying that the Somali military along with the Eritrean army had entered the Tigray region, a claim denied by Farmajo.

The return of some of the troops contradicts Farmajo's claim that no Eritrean soldiers have been abducted.

Farmajo should be brought to justice for the Somali youth who took part in the Tigrean war and died in part

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Office of the Auditor General signed the agreement Coastline Exploration Ltd has informed the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals that it is completely null and void.

A statement from the Office of the Auditor General stated that the agreement reached between the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals of Somalia and Farmajo with Coastline Exploration Ltd, a US-based oil exploration company, was a clear violation of the law. country.

This is a serious threat to the resources of the Somali people and the preservation of the assets of future generations.

Yahya Amir, a Somali researcher, spoke in the heated debate over the oil exploration agreement signed by the Minister of Minerals and Petroleum, Mr. Abdirashid Mohamed Ahmed, and Farmajo.

He disclosed that US-based Coastline Exploration Ltd. is not an oil company, but a broker.

The Office of the Auditor General, in the line of duty, has informed the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals, the relevant authorities and Farmajo that the agreement is null and void.

Farmajo should be prosecuted after the Auditor General's decision to auction off the country's resources.

The Office of the Auditor General shall at all times stand up for the protection of the property of the Somali people and ensure the rule of law. Government agencies should also refrain from misappropriating public funds and violating the country's laws.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Farmajo & Fahad's plan is to force the Beledweyne election.

Beledweyne was reached by a plane carrying a large number of troops said to be under the protection of Fahad Yassin.

The troops first departed from Mogadishu's Aden Adde International Airport, and were a prelude to Fahad Yassin's trip to Beledweyne.

Fahad Yassin wants to use military aircraft and those he has already deployed in Beledweyne election fraud.

There was also fighting in Beledweyne between police and specially trained cheetahs who took Fahad Yassin there.

They killed Beledweyne police station commander Lieutenant Colonel Mohamed Hussein Mohamud (Durdage), and Fahad Yassin was sent by cheetah forces after he refused to carry out the steps that Fahad Yassin wanted to loot in Beledweyne.

Peacekeepers and traditional elders of the sub-clan who own the HOP # 086 seat, which Fahad Yassin wants to use force, have informed the Electoral Commission to suspend the seat in order to resolve the complaint.

Farmajo & Fahad's plan is to force the Beledweyne election.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Farmajo has failed to fight al-Shabaab

 Al-Shabaab militants have claimed responsibility for a series of bombings and shootings in Mogadishu last night.

The attack in Kahda began with an improvised explosive device (IED) vehicle, with heavy casualties among civilians and the construction of the base.

Another attack took place in Dar es Salaam, which began with a heavy explosion, killing and wounding soldiers and civilians.

Those killed in the attacks included two young girls, a Somali police officer and a military officer.

The attacks took place in the middle of the night, as Mogadishu is undergoing elections for members of parliament and Farmajo's forces will prevent attacks on Beledweyne in order to loot the polls.

Al-Shabaab's attacks in Mogadishu last night show the extent of Farmajo's failure to fight al-Shabaab.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Fahad Yassin is working to become the first deputy speaker of the parliament

In the city of Barawe there are 26 seats in the Somali parliament so far 13 seats have been elected, and the remaining 13 have been announced.

The remaining 13 seats include the much-anticipated seat HOPP # 145, which sits on the first deputy speaker of the 10th parliament, Abdiweli Ibrahim Mudey.

But a lot of pressure was put on Farmajo and Fahad Yassin to take Mudey's seat. Lafta Gareen refused to give Mudey the seat, and Fahad Yassin Haji Dahir stuck to it.

because Fahad Yassin is currently working to become a Member of Parliament, and then to be the First Deputy Speaker of the House of the People.

Fahad believes that if Mudey returns it will be difficult for him to become the deputy speaker of Parliament.

Mudey's seat was looted by Mohamed-weli Abdullahi Sheikh.

Fahad Yassin and Lafta Gareen are said to be in agreement on Mudey's case. Abdiweli Mudey has for the past five years been implementing everything that the Farmajo system wants

If you were supporting Farmajo and his mafia group then that is the end of it.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Suspected Turkish ship docks off al-Shabaab-held coast of Somalia

The UN Panel of Experts on Somalia, which monitors illegal arms, said they are looking into a Turkish ship that was moored off a part of the Somali coastline controlled by the al-Shabab terrorist organization in August 2021.

The Anatolian, owned and operated by Mavi Deniz Taşımacılığı ve Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi, an Istanbul-based company, remained stationary for about 24 hours less than 1,000 meters off the Somali coast in an area controlled by al-Shabab, according to vessel’s automatic identification system (AIS).

the UN investigators concluded. It appears that suspicions were raised about why the ship remained so close to the al-Shabab area and it appears it was carrying supplies and weapons to al-Shabaab.

UN investigators in Somalia have sent an official letter to the Turkish company asking them to clarify why the ship sailed into al-Shabaab waters.

The company did not respond to inquiries from the United Nations, which indicates that Turkey is supporting Farmajo and al-Shabaab to control Somalia.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

What did Farmajo do during his 5 years as President?

Five years have passed since Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was in Villa Somalia, both legally and illegally, There is a huge gap between security, federalism, the economy and even foreign affairs, considering where he came in 2016 and where he will leave today in 2022.

During Farmajo's 5 years in office, the army's military strategy and beliefs changed. Farmajo's group focused on recruiting troops loyal to them, focusing on the use of force against clans, federal administrations and civilians, and overthrew the government in Baidoa, Beledweyn, Guri El and In Dhusamareb, where Kismayo attempted, the Somali National Army and Al-Shabaab have been fighting for the past five years in Lower Shabelle, such as Afgoye, Barire and Janale, and have been isolated.

Over the past five years, Farmajo and his administration have made it clear that they are opposed to federalism, and want a central government with limited powers, which has led to a loss of credibility in their system, and the outpouring of angry voices demanding a confederal system. They have ended attacks on administrations and cut ties, imposed sanctions on Puntland and Jubbaland and seized control of South West, Hir Shabelle and Galamudug. formed Guri El, and forcibly established the current administrations of Baidoa, Jowhar and Dhusamareb. Farmajo is leaving office amid a need for federal administrations.

Farmajo, his term ended a year ago, during which time Somalia was not a stable country, he broke off electoral agreements three times, twice attempted a coup d'état, once added two years and once Prime Minister Roble refused to step down. In addition to fighting in Mogadishu, displacement, arrests, massacres and attacks in Guri El, Gedo, Beledweyn and elsewhere, it is unclear how he will hand over power safely.

Finally, Farmajo has failed the entire system of government, and in addition to failing security, federalism, economics and foreign affairs, he has not established a single constitutional institution, according to his finance minister Beyle and everything is on the floor.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Gudlawe arrived in Beledweyn to assist Farmajo in looting the election

 The President of HirShabelle, Mr. Ali Abdullahi Hussein (Gudlawe) has today landed in Beledweyne, the regional capital of Hiraan region for the first time since he was elected as the top leader of the administration.

Ali Gudlawe and his delegation left Jowhar and landed directly at Ugas Khalif Airport in Beledweyne.

Security in Beledweyne has also been tightened, with most of the city's roads closed, to prevent violence in the town where anti-government forces have been stationed.

Beledweyn is one of the major towns scheduled to hold elections for seats in the Somali National Assembly, with Gudlawe in collaboration with Farmajo attempting to seize control of Beledweyne by force to loot Farmajo's group.

Roble appointed a committee of ministers to look into the situation in Beledweyne after troops from Farmajo arrived in the town and looted the seats in Beledweyne, which Roble and his cabinet ordered to leave immediately, but no one listened. , which is proof that the power of the country is still in the hands of Farmajo, and Roble is just talking.

Gudlawe, Fahad Yassin and Farmajo's plan to use electoral fraud in Beledweyne is to use military force to gain the group's 25 seats in Beledweyne.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Qoorqoor provided seats in parliament without elections

Lul Mohamed Sheikh, who was a candidate for parliament but despaired of contesting, made strong allegations against Qoor Qoor.

Lul, who has spent a lot of time running for her clan's seat, said she has now left Dhusamareb, after learning that Qoor Qoor has made a list of all the members he will give to parliamentary seats in Galmudug.

Luul also clarified that those people have already been selected and that what is happening in Galmudug is not an election.

Candidates for Galmudug parliamentary seats have been arrested by the Farmajo faction

She said Qoorqoor was responsible for the looting of seats in Galmudug, and also said that the quota for women was not allowed.

The prime minister responsible for the election must address the looting in Galmudug

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Farmajo is responsible for looting Somali elections

This election has long been considered one of the most corrupt, rigged and post-election scandals in the country.

Farmajo seems to be the only seat in this country and the people do not care, and he has promised the leaders of the regional administrations who are loyal to him to loot some of the election that he will be the prime minister and others will be the speaker of parliament.

Farmajo is also using the looting of seats in Hirshabele, Gudlawe to trample on the election rules, his plan is to return to power or destroy the country.

He uses it to intimidate opponents of the army to return to power.

Farmajo's main plan is to return to power, which is why he is looting the election.