Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Farmajo has failed to fight al-Shabaab

 Al-Shabaab militants have claimed responsibility for a series of bombings and shootings in Mogadishu last night.

The attack in Kahda began with an improvised explosive device (IED) vehicle, with heavy casualties among civilians and the construction of the base.

Another attack took place in Dar es Salaam, which began with a heavy explosion, killing and wounding soldiers and civilians.

Those killed in the attacks included two young girls, a Somali police officer and a military officer.

The attacks took place in the middle of the night, as Mogadishu is undergoing elections for members of parliament and Farmajo's forces will prevent attacks on Beledweyne in order to loot the polls.

Al-Shabaab's attacks in Mogadishu last night show the extent of Farmajo's failure to fight al-Shabaab.

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