Wednesday, February 9, 2022

What did Farmajo do during his 5 years as President?

Five years have passed since Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was in Villa Somalia, both legally and illegally, There is a huge gap between security, federalism, the economy and even foreign affairs, considering where he came in 2016 and where he will leave today in 2022.

During Farmajo's 5 years in office, the army's military strategy and beliefs changed. Farmajo's group focused on recruiting troops loyal to them, focusing on the use of force against clans, federal administrations and civilians, and overthrew the government in Baidoa, Beledweyn, Guri El and In Dhusamareb, where Kismayo attempted, the Somali National Army and Al-Shabaab have been fighting for the past five years in Lower Shabelle, such as Afgoye, Barire and Janale, and have been isolated.

Over the past five years, Farmajo and his administration have made it clear that they are opposed to federalism, and want a central government with limited powers, which has led to a loss of credibility in their system, and the outpouring of angry voices demanding a confederal system. They have ended attacks on administrations and cut ties, imposed sanctions on Puntland and Jubbaland and seized control of South West, Hir Shabelle and Galamudug. formed Guri El, and forcibly established the current administrations of Baidoa, Jowhar and Dhusamareb. Farmajo is leaving office amid a need for federal administrations.

Farmajo, his term ended a year ago, during which time Somalia was not a stable country, he broke off electoral agreements three times, twice attempted a coup d'état, once added two years and once Prime Minister Roble refused to step down. In addition to fighting in Mogadishu, displacement, arrests, massacres and attacks in Guri El, Gedo, Beledweyn and elsewhere, it is unclear how he will hand over power safely.

Finally, Farmajo has failed the entire system of government, and in addition to failing security, federalism, economics and foreign affairs, he has not established a single constitutional institution, according to his finance minister Beyle and everything is on the floor.

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