Monday, February 7, 2022

Gudlawe arrived in Beledweyn to assist Farmajo in looting the election

 The President of HirShabelle, Mr. Ali Abdullahi Hussein (Gudlawe) has today landed in Beledweyne, the regional capital of Hiraan region for the first time since he was elected as the top leader of the administration.

Ali Gudlawe and his delegation left Jowhar and landed directly at Ugas Khalif Airport in Beledweyne.

Security in Beledweyne has also been tightened, with most of the city's roads closed, to prevent violence in the town where anti-government forces have been stationed.

Beledweyn is one of the major towns scheduled to hold elections for seats in the Somali National Assembly, with Gudlawe in collaboration with Farmajo attempting to seize control of Beledweyne by force to loot Farmajo's group.

Roble appointed a committee of ministers to look into the situation in Beledweyne after troops from Farmajo arrived in the town and looted the seats in Beledweyne, which Roble and his cabinet ordered to leave immediately, but no one listened. , which is proof that the power of the country is still in the hands of Farmajo, and Roble is just talking.

Gudlawe, Fahad Yassin and Farmajo's plan to use electoral fraud in Beledweyne is to use military force to gain the group's 25 seats in Beledweyne.

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