Sunday, October 31, 2021

Erdogan targets Somalis in Ankara, and Farmajo does not defend them

Erdogan and Farmajo

Over the past few years, Kizilay Square in the center of Ankara, Turkey, has been crowded with business for Somalis flocking to Turkey, where they have received a warm welcome and high esteem.

 The growing Somali community in the Turkish capital has set up restaurants, cafes, clothing stores and consultancies on both sides, gradually making the area a vibrant and thriving business district.

 However, the neighborhood, densely populated by Somalis, has now become a hotbed of Turkish harassment against Somalis, anti-immigrant sentiment is growing and Somali life in Turkey has become very difficult and Somalis are persecuted and oppressed in Turkey although Farmajo's personal interests with Turkey continue

Turkish police target Somalis residing in Turkey despite their legal residence. Somalis’ lives have become unsafe in Turkey, despite Erdogan’s good relationship with Farmajo, but this relationship is to help Farmajo take over power only, not to help the Somali people

Farmajo is only interested in his own interests and does not want to solve Somalia's problems. Somalis residing in Turkey are now suffering from persecution by the Turkish government, although Turkey sends support to Farmajo and Farmajo sends Somali youth to Turkey

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Farmajo should not interfere in the elections so as not to spoil them


 The Northern Regions Administration of Somalia has released a new timetable for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Somalia, especially for members of the northern regions of Somaliland.

A letter from the commission stated that applications for two seats in the northern regions of Somaliland would begin today, October 29, in the run-up to by-elections.

And competing for the two seats are MP Hussein Arab Issa and MP Bahey Iman Ija.

Why is Gorgur trying to impose pro-Farmajo candidates on the remaining two seats in Galmudug, all in order to control the elections?

Farmajo will try hard to obstruct the elections and it is necessary to expedite the holding of elections in Galmudug, Harshabli and the southwest without the intervention of any of Farmajo's loyalists.

It is necessary to stop any interference from Farmajo in the elections and to abide by what was agreed upon with President Roble in order to evaluate fair elections.

The Somali elections must be held as soon as possible, and this only happened through the stoppage of Farmajo and the non-interference in the elections

Also among the candidates is Mahdi Guled, the country's current deputy prime minister, who will run against Hussein Arab Issa, a former member of the Somali parliament.

Mahdi Guled is currently the second most influential man in the northern regions, and has been at odds with Abdi Hashi Abdullah for some time.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Farmajo is not fighting al-Shabaab and they continue to destroy Somalia

Farmajo and Al-Shabaab

 The blood of the Somali people is in the neck of Farmajo. He has not yet eliminated Al-Shabaab, despite the federal government’s reliance on US-trained Dunab forces to fight it. Al-Shabaab is killing civilians and intimidating them.

Farmajo knows that Al-Shabaab uses it to achieve reconciliation, so he does not fight it. He asks to fight the Sunnis first, and the citizens do not feel safe inside the region because of wrong decisions and the increase in the number of victims

 Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah in the central regions of Somalia was unknown for more than 10 years.

Muallem Mahmud and his followers left the Sufi movement in southern Somalia and became the largest force in the south of the country, eventually becoming part of the divided Galmudug administration in 2019.

The government led by Farmajo and Hassan Khair tried to negotiate with the Sunnis, but no matter how their problem was resolved, the situation eventually escalated into a coup and Dusamareb was forcibly expelled. Ahmed Abdi Kari (Qoor Qoor).

The autocratic administration handed over to Qoor Qoor focused on reconciliation with the opposition politicians of his clan, but he forgot that the greatest threat to Galmudug was the Sunnis.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Farmajo is trying to cover up the Akran killers and undermine the elections


Prime Minister Roble, accompanied by Security Minister Abdullah Muhammad Nur, inspected the headquarters of the National Security and Intelligence Service in an attempt to do justice to the Ikran case in which Farmajo insisted on his arrest.
The Prime Minister demanded the authority's officials to increase vigilance, saying that without intelligence it is not possible to protect our country from external and internal enemies.

He also said that the Ikran Tahlil case will be referred to the Public Prosecutor of the Armed Forces, and that it is important that the National Authority for National Security work closely with the prosecution and open the door at all times.

Meanwhile, Puntland President Said Deni thanked Prime Minister Roble for congratulating him on a person's election and a vote in Puntland, while Farmajo and his colleagues accused them of not agreeing to free, fair, free and fair elections in Somalia.

It is believed that Farmajo is still struggling to stay in power, disrupting the country's elections, leading to chaos and violence in the country to once again seek an illegal extension.

Farmajo's actions reflect all of these allegations, and he sided with the recent agreement between him and Prime Minister Roble to speed up elections

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Demonstrations against Farmajo demand an end to the fighting in Galmudug

Demonstrations in somalia

 There are currently popular demonstrations against Farmajo's government due to unnecessary fighting in Galmudug with Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jamaa'ah asking for approval, but Farmajo wants to create chaos and destruction in Somalia so that people do not think of completing elections.

Farmajo and Qoor Qoor are fighting Ahl al-Sunnah for their personal interest, not for the benefit of the Somali people, because the people's interest is to reach an agreement with Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa'ah in order to help Somalia in confronting the terrorist Al-Shabab movement.

The Somali people want to fight the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement that kills Somalis every day, so we must use every possible force to fight them, but Farmajo does not want that because they have common interests. He sacrifices the lives of the Somali people for his interest.

Al-Shabaab terrorist movement is spreading throughout Somalia and even to Mogadishu to spread destruction and death and Farmajo does not take any steps towards them because they seek the same thing that Farmajo wants, which is the personal interest that kills the Somali people.

There is a strong contradiction between Farmajo’s words about the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement and his actions against them, as he does not take any step to eliminate them because he has a relationship with them and uses them to achieve his personal interests and also uses them to eliminate his opponents.

Monday, October 25, 2021

The people demand Farmajo to fight al-Shabaab

Mogadishu port

 Social media recently revealed that al-Shabab’s revenues in 2020 amounted to 120 million dollars. According to the report, al-Shabab formed an indirect government in Somalia alongside the federal government, which collects most of this money from taxes and other extortion money.

Al-Shabab's revenue in Somalia also accounts for nearly two-thirds of the total federal government revenue, and 65% of government tax revenue. A Somali intelligence official told the New York Times that al-Shabab charged $90 per container and $150 per container at the Mogadishu port.

Young people receive large sums of money from Farmajo through Fahd Yassin, a member of Al-Shabab, and use them for personal gain, such as attacking politicians with differing opinions in bombings and assassinations, and using them to destabilize the country. elections.

The 2021 federal government budget, released after the report, states that the federal government's local revenue for 2020 was $269 million, of which $182 million was local taxes, nearly two-thirds of the Somali federal government's total revenue, and 65% of the federal government's tax revenue. , Farmajo and Fahd Yassin were accused of being involved in the activities of the youth and using them to serve their own interests, he sent more troops and weapons to Galmudug to end the Sunnis so that they would not fight the youth and continue to slaughter the poor.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Farmajo and Qoor Qoor are fighting for their own interests

Farmajo and Qoor Qoor

 Reports from Guriel town in Galmudug region in central Somalia confirm that at least 30 people have been killed and many others wounded in heavy fighting between Somali government forces and Al-Shabab fighters. died in the fighting, as confirmed to us by government officials.

Officials told us that in addition to the death toll in the thirties, there were also more than 40 injuries, on both sides.

The dead and wounded include senior officers from both sides, and the deaths of Danab Commandos Major Abdilatif Feyfle, the Ahlu Sunna-appointed commander of Guri El base and other members have been confirmed.

There are also increasing reports that some of the leading officers of Qoor Qoor and Haramcad forces have taken control of most of the key areas of the city today.

Most of the casualties were caused by heavy fighting between Ahlu Sunna forces and Al-Shabaab fighters in the area. Ahlu-Sunna.

The fighting lasted for more than 12 hours and stopped tonight, according to the latest reports from the areas where Ahlu-Sunna and government forces are stationed.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Farmajo continues with his dreams to continue in power


 The Somali people are suffering a lot under the leadership of the outgoing President Farmajo, and there are many demands by the Somalis to end his rule and remove him from power, who abuses it, as he is not worthy of ruling our country

The elections are the basic step for the stability of the country, and that is why we demand the speedy conduct of the elections and the rejection of Farmajo’s interventions because he uses the governors of the regions loyal to him to control the elections

Farmajo's agreement with Prime Minister Roble to continue the elections came due to international pressure and Farmajo's isolation with the collapse of his popularity, and this shows us that Farmajo will resort to using the loyal provincial governors to control the elections

Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble last night reached an agreement on their differences, according to the Prime Minister's Office.

The terms of the agreement show that Prime Minister Roble has resigned, agreeing to dismiss the NISA commander he appointed, who has been at the center of the feud between officials.

The agreement also includes leaving the accusation of tahleel case to court, but the NISA women are still with some suspects, casting doubt on their families' access to justice.

Mohamed Abdi Omar, a professor at Mogadishu University and a political analyst in Somalia, said the agreement came as a result of heavy pressure from both sides, one because of time and the other from external pressure.

"The reason for the agreement is due to great pressure from both sides, from time to time, and other external pressure from the United States, other countries and major organizations to put an end to the conflict," he said.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Fahd Yassin is trying to enter parliament

Fahd Yassin

 How do we want to rise and peace prevail in our country, and there are many corrupt leaders, despite leaving their positions, looking to reach other positions to obtain new immunity because they are not legally prosecuted, and the most prominent of these corrupt leaders is Fahd Yassin, who is striving to enter Parliament

Fahd Yassin must be punished for the crimes he committed against the Somali people, and justice must not allow this criminal to reach Parliament, as he is greedy for a new immunity for not being legally prosecuted

Fahd Yassin is trying to steal seats in Parliament to obtain immunity in order to hide his crimes, he must be punished for the killing of Ikran Tahlil and other crimes

The contest began for a parliament seat expected to be contested by former NISA leader and National Security Adviser Fahd Yassin, with jump code #86.

The seat is currently held by Farah Sheikh Abdul Qadir, from the same clan as Fahd Yassin.

Farah Abdel Qader said in an interview that the seat would be won by whoever won the seat, and that the winner would be determined by the voting delegates.

"The seat belongs to a community and everyone in the community is known and has the right to run for office. No one or the law can stop us, it depends on the votes of that community," he said,

He also said there are other candidates vying for the seat, but that he and Fahd Yassin are the two heaviest men so far in the race.

“The old man (Fahd Yassin) you are talking about did not compete in 2016. I have nothing to worry about, and I also think that people who think they are free, the winner should be accepted.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Farmajo is trying to control the state elections, if they are held


 Amid the escalation of disputes between the outgoing Somali President, Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo, and the Prime Minister of Jubaland Regional Government, Ahmed Mohamed Aslan - Ahmed Madobe - over the administration of Gedo Governorate, which is administratively affiliated to Jubaland State, there were reports of Farmajo's intention to annex the governorate to South West State.

Informed sources said, "There is unconfirmed news about Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's intention to annex Gedo province to Southwest State, which threatens to escalate the situation with the Jubaland administration and the outbreak of a new conflict in the region and the cancellation of transfers."

The sources added, "It is still not clear the mechanism for the annexation of Gedo province to the state of South West, is it by granting the head of the state, Abdul Aziz Hassan Muhammad Liftaqrin, the management of electoral affairs in the governorate instead of Ahmed Madobe, Prime Minister of Jubbaland Regional Government for a temporary period, or the annexation of the entire province to the state of South West".

And the Gedo Governorate Reconciliation Committee arrived last July in the city of Gharbahari, weeks after it was appointed by Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble to end the dispute in the region and an attempt to open a new page of understanding before the parliamentary elections, but sources confirmed the failure of the committee to reach an agreement.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Kenyan forces are killing the Somali people and Farmajo is only watching

Farmajo and kenya

 After Kenya's loss in the maritime conflict issue, it has become avenging the Somali people, and the Kenyan forces are exploiting the resources of our Somali people in front of Farmajo's eyes. The intervention of the United Nations is necessary to stop all this devastation

So far, the African Union has not finished eliminating Al-Shabaab and the Somali people are suffering. It is necessary for the United Nations to intervene and supervise what is happening inside Somalia and end the conflict.

Al-Shabaab has destroyed Somalia because of its terrorist and violent acts, and the intervention of the United Nations forces and the supervision of the African Union forces is necessary in order to get rid of the Al-Shabaab movement

Kenyan forces shot dead a number of civilians in parts of southern Somalia in the last hours.

The accident occurred in Rascamponi, the victims were shepherds.

The shooting resulted in the killing of Arab Qaryo and the injury of two other civilians.

The Kenyan forces also killed nearly 50 head of cattle belonging to the local population, according to the report.

The exact motive behind the Kenyan military campaign on innocent civilians remains unknown.

Residents also now fear that Kenyan forces will continue to foment unrest there, and they have sent troops to Jubaland and the government.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Farmajo is obstructing the elections conducted by Roble

Farmajo and Roble

 Roble seeks by all means to stabilize the country and reach the elections. On the contrary, his goal is to obstruct the elections and spread violence in order to extend his rule

Farmajo all he wants is to remain in power, and therefore he prefers spreading violence in the country over the stability of his country in order to achieve his goal.

Qoor Qoor is a Farmajo puppet that he moves inside Galmudug under a malicious scheme in order to continue the conflict and make the Sunnis control Galmudug in order to declare a state of emergency and extend his rule

His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Hussein Roble, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, delivered a speech at a special joint press conference at the Presidential Palace in Mogadishu.

Roble announced that the election of members of the House of Representatives will take place soon, and will begin next week, he said.

The Prime Minister indicated that the elections for the 46 northern seats in the next parliament will be held in Mogadishu.

He added that he discussed the matter with the Speaker of the Senate and Deputy Prime Minister of the country, and promised to speed up the elections.

He stressed that his government is working hard to complete the elections to take advantage of the short time remaining.

"Every night I pray to God that the elections will end and that no one will be harmed, no one will be harmed, and no one will be harmed," Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble said.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Farmajo and Fahd Yassin are the main supporters of the Al-Shabaab

Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

 Why has Farmajo not eliminated Al-Shabaab so far, even though he refused the opportunity to include the African Union forces in the United Nations, which possesses advanced and more advanced weapons and technology and will help eliminate Al-Shabaab?

Farmajo opposes the inclusion of the United Nations in the African Union force, which possesses advanced weapons and technology to help eliminate al-Shabab terrorists until the end of his mandate.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), including its 5,000-strong Kenyan contingent of 18,000, has been rendered ineligible to continue its work after Kenya rejected the ruling of the International Court of Justice in a maritime dispute over Farmajo's oversight of the United Nations. The United Nations in particular because it will lead to the prevention of killings and rapes committed by African Union soldiers

Tibor Nagy, a senior US diplomat at the State Department, has spoken out against the Somali government's recent decision to reject an amendment to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). African Union Peace and Security: Expansion of the African Union Mission and its Joint Implementation by the United Nations and the African Union.

Tibor, a former assistant secretary of state for African affairs and US ambassador to Guinea and Ethiopia, said the Somali government should repel Al-Shabab if it opposed the AU plan. Many are able to put an end to al-Shabaab, but Farmajo is prevented from fighting because Farmajo uses youth violence and bombings to keep the country in power.

The African Union said that Somalia will be included in UN Security Council Resolution No. 7, and the new mission is expected to start in January 2022 if approved by the Security Council, and Africa rejects Somalia and reiterates its clear rejection.

Farmajo and Fahd Yassin do not want to expel young people from the country for their own interests because young people carry out assassinations and bombings by Farmajo and Fahd Yassin to use them against opposition politicians and the poor. this group

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Farmajo is responsible for the delay in the elections


 The Union of Opposition Candidates issued a statement regarding the postponement of the election schedule in the country. A statement from the candidates said that the third delay in the election schedule left the country in a state of constitutional vacuum and uncertainty, which had a significant impact on stability.

The council also expressed concern that it was not yet clear when the parliamentary elections would be held. The statement also said that the responsibility for delaying the election schedule will be borne by the National Consultative Assembly, which is made up of the prime minister, the governor of Banadir region and the leaders of the country's five regions.

The postponement of the elections continues in Somalia permanently in Somalia because of Farmajo the dictator who does not seek but to remain in his position and is making his allies delay in holding the elections like Qoor Qoor who starts a war in Somalia to distract the people from the elections

Monday, October 11, 2021

Qoor Qoor colluding with Farmajo to delay Galmudug elections

Ahmed feki

 Former Galmudug security minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, who recently held a press conference, detailed President Ahmed Qoor Qoor's intentions in the fight against Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a.

Fiqi first said that Ahlu-Sunna leaders were ready for talks, and they contacted him, and he closed the door on Qoor Qoor who wanted to wage a fierce battle.

He said that the reason why the president of Galmudug took the path of war was to create conflict and war in Galmudug, so that the election could not be held and an extension of time.

He (Qoor Qoor) refused to enter into any talks with (the leadership of Ahlu-Sunna), their leaders talked to me and he gave me the key, they want to live in peace and return to the Guriel administration. "Return the administration, but they are not going anywhere," he said.

"The president said that these men are nothing but non-violent. They will come to life and grow among us. That is what happened in Galmudug.

He accused Ahmed Qoor Qoor of watching the people of Galmudug, especially Ahlu Sunna, in the fight against Al-Shabaab. "I tried to persuade him to refrain from fighting Ahlu Sunna, but he insisted on fighting them and said they were worse than Al-Shabaab. went to Dhusamareb to attack Ahlu Sunna, ”said Ahmed Fiqi.

Former Galmudug security minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi also said Ahlu Sunna leaders are not ready for a war with the administration, but want to co-operate in the fight against terrorism.

He said they had agreed with President Qoor Qoor on a stagnant administration that has always been behind Villa Somalia, but the president failed to do so, arguing that they had made significant progress, including in the fight against al-Shabaab.

Finally, he said that he resigned after his proposal and to avoid a war was ignored by the President of Galmudug, and he is always on the road to dialogue.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Violence against women and children in Somalia because of Farmajo

Somali women

 In August 2021, the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten, and the UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, warned of a significant increase in sexual rape in Somalia, and called on all perpetrators to stop these abuses while Farmajo supports The perpetrators and wants to protect them from the court so that Farmajo and his group are not convicted in the country because they are used by young people and armed groups.

According to two recent reports, the Secretary-General's Report on Children and Armed Conflict and the Secretary-General's Report on Sexual Violence in 2020 saw an almost 80% increase in cases of sexual violence in Somalia. Sexual violence against 400 girls, 12 women and 7 boys

The number of sexual assault cases attributed to Al-Shabaab has doubled, mainly attributed to clan militias and Al-Shabaab, and the Islamist militant group continues to use sexual violence and forced marriage against women and girls. The number of violence perpetrated by clan militias has nearly tripled by 2020. The United Nations has defined protracted conflicts as inequalities.

Gender inequality and a string of humanitarian crises in the country are the main causes of ever-increasing sexual violence in Somalia as the UN adds to political tensions ahead of national elections and inter-clan clashes in the run-up to the elections. It intensified during the Covid-19 disaster.

UN Special Representative urges Somali government to take concrete steps to prevent sexual violence against women and children Sexual violence in the country's cowardly disputes must be dealt with before justice

Farmajo tries to obliterate the evidence that proves his participation in the murder of Akran

Akran Tahlil
 Farmajo has not yet brought the murderer of Akran to justice, so how can he attribute to himself Somalia's victory in the maritime dispute with Kenya, as he is a weak ruler and is not fit to be trusted by the Somali people

Farmajo protects himself by covering up the crimes of Fahd Yassin. If Fahd Yassin and his followers fall, Farmajo will fall. They are now trying to disrupt all the moves of Prime Minister Roble to achieve justice for the Somali people, especially in the case of the killing of Ikran Tahlil

 On the eighth of September, a month ago, Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo announced the meeting of the National Security Council to hear a report from the former commander of "NISA" Fahd Yassin Haji Daher. The meeting, which was scheduled to take place on the eighteenth of last month, was cancelled.

President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's group attributed the initial call to preventing Fahd Yassin from traveling to Mogadishu to attend the conference. But the presidency insisted on holding the conference soon when Fahd arrived.

Fahad Yassin returned to Mogadishu 2.1 last month on a private plane from Istanbul.

He remains in the capital, but Villa Somalia appears to have abandoned plans to hold a meeting of the National Security Council.

Fahd has yet to respond to the allegations and has not fulfilled his promise to provide any information on the case of Iran's analysis of Farah before the National Security Council meeting.

President Farmajo, who is widely suspected of refusing to reveal the truth, did not postpone the date of the National Security Council meeting.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Farmajo is trying to appear as a hero due to the maritime conflict with Kenya

Somalia and Kenya

 The International Court of Justice is expected to announce the outcome of the maritime dispute between Somalia and Kenya on October 12, after six years in the Hague case. While defeat cannot be ruled out, Somalia's maritime defense attorneys, Paul Richler, and Professor F. Philip Sands and Prof. Alan Pele expressed his optimism 99% of the success of the cause, which will be a historic victory for the Somali people.

Kenya withdrew from the maritime case of the International Court of Justice earlier this year. The maritime dispute between Kenya and Somalia has been going on for some time. Kamau said the maritime case is outside the court's scope and also questioned the impartiality of the Hague-based International Court of Justice.

He also described the lawsuit brought by Somalia as an attempt by Mogadishu to infringe on Kenya's territorial integrity, and a statement issued by the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that, "The case against Kenya in court, and the court's involvement in a case outside its legal framework, is evidence of the new methods

used to undermine justice to undermine our sovereignty.”

Kenya has always insisted on resolving the maritime dispute through dialogue, while Somalia has opted to resolve it in the International Court of Justice.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Galmudug is out of control of Qorqor, arranged by Farmajo

Farmajo and Qorqor

 The Galmudug administration refused to enter into talks with Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama'ah, who had recently retaken areas in Galmudug state. Military activity was reported in the area, and politicians from Galmudug expressed different views on how to deal with the rising Sunni group.

Most of the politicians from the 11 united clans of Galmudug expressed their full support for the Galmudug administration, described the Sunnis as a rebel group that had captured a peaceful area under its administration, and called for support for the Galmudug administration. Security and regain control of the recently captured area

Qorqor and his forces withdrew from Galmudug, and Farmajo also does not want to interfere to solve things. On the contrary, it seems that it is a new ploy from Farmajo and Gore Gere cooperates with him for not cooperating. Spreading stability and safety in Galmudug so that no elections are held in it and Farmajo remains in his position.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Farmajo condones Ethiopia's occupation of Somali lands

Farmajo and abi ahmed

 Outgoing President Farmajo, who is currently in Addis Ababa, held a private meeting with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, His Excellency Abiy Ahmed.

A statement from Villa Somalia said Farmajo and Abi Ahmed, who are currently political friends, discussed three issues:

1- The situation in the Horn of Africa

2- Bilateral relations between the two countries

3- Fighting al-Shabab terrorists

But how did Somalia's relationship with Ethiopia improve, and Ethiopia occupied part of Somali lands before?

What Farmajo is doing is selling Somalia in order to achieve his goals with Abi Ahmed

Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who remains in Addis Ababa, met with the newly elected Prime Minister of Ethiopia, His Excellency Abiy Ahmed, to discuss the situation in the Horn of Africa region and bilateral relations. On the basis of good neighborliness, respect and intensification of the fight against Al-Shabab terrorists."

It is strange to agree on these matters and Farmajo forgot what Abi Ahmed had done in terms of killing and intimidating Somalis in the Somali region of Ethiopia

Did Farmajo forget the blood of Somalis for his goals with Abi Ahmed and to cooperate with him for reconciliation and achieving his goals? Farmajo traveled to Addis Ababa to attend the re-swearing ceremony for Abi Ahmed, and gave a sensitive speech that sparked a lot of controversy, in which he lied about Somali-Ethiopian relations. "Ethiopia and Somalia enjoy a historic bilateral relationship and strong friendship based on mutual respect, strong contacts between the two peoples and growing relations," he said. The lie and deception of Farmajo in the discourse regarding Somali and Ethiopian relations, what is to improve Ethiopia’s image and Farmajo’s cooperation with Abi Ahmed to achieve his goals only Farmajo uses the war on the Al-Shabaab group to justify obtaining weapons and financing from Ethiopia to exploit them to enable his illegitimate rule

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Farmajo continues the policy of kidnapping clan elders


 Ali Shi Abdullahi (Ali Afgoye) held a press conference today and accused the commander of the Somali Police Force, Major General Abdi Hassan Mohamed (Hajjar) of kidnapping Nabaduno from Afgoye district.

He said that the sheikhs were initially summoned a week ago to meet with Commander Hajjar, but they conspired to arrest him and he was treated with contempt for the sheikhs, he said.

"When the CID was transferred to the elderly, he told me to come back in an hour or two. This is not a big problem. We will interview the little elderly and we will release them. It did not happen. It was four o'clock that day when he went missing," Ali Afgoye said. Pollack, the sheikhs were stripped of their shoes and detained."

"The next morning I went to Pollock, CID and elders from Afgoye district. He told us that there was nothing to be done and that the elders were suspicious. He told them the elders were not from Al-Shabaab. I was the enemy. Young people."

He also said that the arrests of the elderly were politically motivated and that Commander Hajjar and Pollack had been unlawfully kidnapped.

Prime Minister Muhammad Hussein Roble demanded to intervene in the case of the sheikhs, who he said were illegally detained in Hajjar.

What is happening in Somalia Farmajo made Somalia a hotbed for spreading corruption and extremism and used the police chief Abdi Hassan to kidnap the sheikhs opposed to Farmajo

Farmajo does not deserve to be the ruler of a state. He is a dictator who uses violence and intimidation to gain power and regain control of the country.

Farmajo makes Major General Abdi Hassan kidnap tribal elders and arrest them without any legal basis. He has the right to do so

Farmajo, after losing in Somalia and losing his legitimacy, has become dependent on intimidation and kidnapping in order to vote for him again

Monday, October 4, 2021

Farmajo travels to Ethiopia in light of the crises in Somalia

Farmajo and abi ahmed

 The outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmajo) recently left Aden Adde International Airport for Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.

Farmajo and his delegation are attending the inauguration of Prime Minister Abi Ahmed in Addis Ababa.

Government officials bid farewell to Mogadishu International Airport.

The outgoing president will also hold a prayer meeting with various leaders attending the inauguration of the Ethiopian prime minister.

Farmajo and Abiy are close political allies. They have previously collaborated with the dictatorial leader of Eritrea, which has created a lot of suspicion, but they have not met recently and each of them has not been able to overcome the crisis within his rule.

Farmajo's trip to Ethiopia also coincides with an unresolved dispute with his prime minister, Roble, and it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The war of Galmudug against the Sunnis with the absence of Qorqor


 Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a (ASWJ) forces are advancing on Dhusamareb, the administrative capital of Galmudug state, a day after capturing two key towns in Galmudug and Hir Shabelle regions.

Ahlu Sunna on Friday captured the towns of Guri El and Mataban in the Galgadud and Hiran regions, as well as several villages in Galgadud, after residents welcomed them and defected from the army, rejecting the stagnant Qoor Qoor administration.

They also captured Eldhere village, about 30 km from Dhusamareb town, according to residents who said they saw Ahlu Sunna forces in military vehicles.

Other Ahlu Sunna forces are reported to be advancing on Dhusamareb from Bohol, north of the town.

Credible sources say Ahlu Sunna is now advancing on the town of Dhusamareb, which if captured would mean the collapse of the Galmudug-led Qoor Qoor administration.

 the president of Galmudug state Ahmed Qoor Qoor, senators and federal parliamentarians from Galmudug state have landed in Dhusamareb town yesterday afternoon.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

A new split in the ranks of the Farmajo loyalists

Mahdi Guled

 Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Mohamed Guled remains in power, leaving his political alliance with outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, and withdrawing overwhelming support for the elections. He was once a major proponent of politics.

 And he again became the leader of the Peace and Life Party which is not yet born, but now seems to have changed according to our sources, Mehdi Gouled has clearly shown that he has a different agenda than the formation and re-election of Farmajo, and in recent days there have been doubts about Farmajo's group and not only Mehdi Gouled but also He has become reluctant to interfere in the affairs of Farmajo and does not take a position on them.

This is because of Farmajo's dictatorial actions in Somalia and his constant spread of corruption in Somalia, and since he never seeks to solve Somalia's problems, but rather all he tries to do is to remain in his position only in ruling Somalia and benefit from it for his personal benefits.