Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Farmajo is trying to control the state elections, if they are held


 Amid the escalation of disputes between the outgoing Somali President, Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo, and the Prime Minister of Jubaland Regional Government, Ahmed Mohamed Aslan - Ahmed Madobe - over the administration of Gedo Governorate, which is administratively affiliated to Jubaland State, there were reports of Farmajo's intention to annex the governorate to South West State.

Informed sources said, "There is unconfirmed news about Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's intention to annex Gedo province to Southwest State, which threatens to escalate the situation with the Jubaland administration and the outbreak of a new conflict in the region and the cancellation of transfers."

The sources added, "It is still not clear the mechanism for the annexation of Gedo province to the state of South West, is it by granting the head of the state, Abdul Aziz Hassan Muhammad Liftaqrin, the management of electoral affairs in the governorate instead of Ahmed Madobe, Prime Minister of Jubbaland Regional Government for a temporary period, or the annexation of the entire province to the state of South West".

And the Gedo Governorate Reconciliation Committee arrived last July in the city of Gharbahari, weeks after it was appointed by Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble to end the dispute in the region and an attempt to open a new page of understanding before the parliamentary elections, but sources confirmed the failure of the committee to reach an agreement.

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