Saturday, October 23, 2021

Farmajo continues with his dreams to continue in power


 The Somali people are suffering a lot under the leadership of the outgoing President Farmajo, and there are many demands by the Somalis to end his rule and remove him from power, who abuses it, as he is not worthy of ruling our country

The elections are the basic step for the stability of the country, and that is why we demand the speedy conduct of the elections and the rejection of Farmajo’s interventions because he uses the governors of the regions loyal to him to control the elections

Farmajo's agreement with Prime Minister Roble to continue the elections came due to international pressure and Farmajo's isolation with the collapse of his popularity, and this shows us that Farmajo will resort to using the loyal provincial governors to control the elections

Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble last night reached an agreement on their differences, according to the Prime Minister's Office.

The terms of the agreement show that Prime Minister Roble has resigned, agreeing to dismiss the NISA commander he appointed, who has been at the center of the feud between officials.

The agreement also includes leaving the accusation of tahleel case to court, but the NISA women are still with some suspects, casting doubt on their families' access to justice.

Mohamed Abdi Omar, a professor at Mogadishu University and a political analyst in Somalia, said the agreement came as a result of heavy pressure from both sides, one because of time and the other from external pressure.

"The reason for the agreement is due to great pressure from both sides, from time to time, and other external pressure from the United States, other countries and major organizations to put an end to the conflict," he said.

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