Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Farmajo is trying to cover up the Akran killers and undermine the elections


Prime Minister Roble, accompanied by Security Minister Abdullah Muhammad Nur, inspected the headquarters of the National Security and Intelligence Service in an attempt to do justice to the Ikran case in which Farmajo insisted on his arrest.
The Prime Minister demanded the authority's officials to increase vigilance, saying that without intelligence it is not possible to protect our country from external and internal enemies.

He also said that the Ikran Tahlil case will be referred to the Public Prosecutor of the Armed Forces, and that it is important that the National Authority for National Security work closely with the prosecution and open the door at all times.

Meanwhile, Puntland President Said Deni thanked Prime Minister Roble for congratulating him on a person's election and a vote in Puntland, while Farmajo and his colleagues accused them of not agreeing to free, fair, free and fair elections in Somalia.

It is believed that Farmajo is still struggling to stay in power, disrupting the country's elections, leading to chaos and violence in the country to once again seek an illegal extension.

Farmajo's actions reflect all of these allegations, and he sided with the recent agreement between him and Prime Minister Roble to speed up elections

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