Tuesday, August 31, 2021

A new corruption scandal for Farmajo and his government

 A statement reported that Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Osman Doub has suspended the "rental and reactivation of restaurants" at the National Theater in line with the order of Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, according to a statement. Release issued.

According to information obtained by Capital Online, the land, which is part of the theater building and a free space of land, has been handed over to the business-owned Hawa Taco Company.

The irony is that the money was said to have been leased, and this in fact indicates that there was no leased land, but the land was sold, and therefore the lease contract is a story to cover the sale that Farmajo was working on covering this news and wanted to pave it for the people as he sold it while he had no power To do this is against the law and should be punished for it

Monday, August 30, 2021

In Gedo, they realize that Farmajo is only acting for his own interests

 The prominent politicians in Gedo region are slipping one by one from the compound of President Farmajo. They realize that Farmajo is not fit to be trusted by the Somali people. He is seeking personal interests to be re-elected again.

 After years of fighting and obstructing elections in the country, it now appears that President Farmajo is losing the Gedo region to which he belongs.

 One by one, prominent Gedo politicians slip from President Farmajo's compound, with most entering Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe, or standing alone.

Two weeks ago, Farmajo lost Jubbaland Security Minister Abdul Rashid Jinan, who reopened after three months from Hawwa country to Mogadishu. The general economic log has many promises.

 Former Gedo Governor Osman Nur Haji Moallemoo and some district commissioners also held a press conference in Gharbahari on Sunday, saying Gedo is under the command of Jubaland, with Ahmed Madobe as chief.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Farmajo seizes the seats through the president of the Hirschapel region

 Tensions escalated a few days ago when the headquarters of the regional administration in Baldwin was seized by forces who opposed President Hirschappell's plan to go to Baldwin. He helps outgoing President Farmajo by transferring Parliament seats to his loyalists.

Somali tribal elders strongly opposed the parliamentary elections process by the regional administration leaders and the prime minister, and now they are threatening and warning that the rights of the community will not be violated. If justice is not achieved, there will be dire consequences and they will not tolerate their rights.

Abdullah Karun clan of Middle Shabelle region held a big show in Haji Ali district of Adali district of Middle Shabelle region, where a big meeting was held to discuss the political future of the clan.

A large number of military vehicles, weapons and troops were on display in the Haji area, and the community intellectuals who spoke to the media threatened not to hold elections in Hare Shabelle until their concerns were resolved.

The outgoing president is trying to hand over seats in the HirShabelle Parliament to his loyal members through the Gudlawe regional president.

He is constantly coming up with new tactics and plans to keep the seat out of reach without the consequences of his extremist ambitions, which, if left unchecked, will lead to the collapse of Somalia and civil war.

Political upheaval and upheaval in Hirschapel is a prelude to the resumption of civil war and devastation in Somalia, so I call on all Somali politicians and Prime Minister Roble to play their part in the electoral process.

The controversy and manipulation of the country's cowardice system is detrimental to Somali politics and could cost the international community financial support for Somalia.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Popular rejection of the amendments to conduct elections

 Somali clerics first addressed the electoral procedures promulgated by the National Consultative Council, sparking further political controversy. The tribal elders reject the decisions that are taken that are not in the interest of the people and do not guarantee them fair elections, and we should not call them amendments, but rather they sabotage the elections or create new chaos.

"It is unfortunate and appalling that, in violation of state laws and regulations, there are attempts to discredit the role of registrars and convince them that they can be overcome today," a statement by traditional elders said. And they objected to four issues in these amendments, and they must be followed so that Farmajo would not be elected only in this election, which has become a scourge because of attempts to thwart it.

All the amendments they ask for will make the people object to its false results, which resulted from events that guarantee the victory of Farmajo only, and the days of the civil war will return again, and bloodshed will increase due to fraud and lack of credibility of the results.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Farmajo will not run in the upcoming elections.

 Is Farmajo really withdrawing his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections? We hope that this is true, for this is the happiness of the Somali people that the outgoing president, Farmajo, did not run for office

Presidency aspirants are falling before the will of the Somali people. There are reports that outgoing President Farmajo has withdrawn from running in the upcoming presidential elections

This has given the Somali people the joy and hope of a democratic leadership, as they have been in a difficult situation for the past four years under a dictatorship.

During the four years of the Farmajo regime, Somalia was in a state of crisis with widespread genocide and repression, and if this continues, it will surely return to the days of devastation and painful days.

The leadership of the Somali nation deserves a responsible individual who works for the benefit of the Somali people and the country, and it is not appropriate for Somalia to be ruled again with a dictatorship marked by genocide and oppression.

Therefore, I call on politicians and those responsible for electoral affairs to work for fair elections that allow the people to elect the president they want.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Farmajo returns to the bombing policy

Farmajo's dictatorship makes him do the impossible to maintain his position. Shipments of weapons, ammunition and vehicles have arrived in Somalia from Turkey. These weapons are used by Farmajo to arm the soldiers loyal to him to use in suppressing the opposition and rigging elections.

 Warning: According to reliable information about what the capital fears of political explosions in the coming days, on suspicion of organizing cowardice, using Fahd Yassin al-Shabab.

 The failed dictator Farmajo, desperate to lead the Somali people once again, began using political bombs to destabilize the security and elections in the country.

 The government is afraid that it will happen in the coming days, taking into account what happens if his ministry and as a contribution to the group and the use of interests.

The outgoing president aspires to control the electoral process through crooked paths that harm the people of Somalia and his country, and he wants to distract the people from controlling the parliamentary elections.

 The question every Somali citizen should ask is, what Turkish armored vehicles have been donated to Somalia, and what are they doing in Mogadishu?

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

AbdiKarim Goulid approved the outputs of the advisory board, because he is a supporter of Farmajo.

 Presidential candidate Abdikarim Hussein Guled welcomed the procedures in a statement issued yesterday by the National Consultative Council, which was rejected by the Union of Candidates.

Abdikarim Guled, a member of the Union of Candidates, said the country needed progress at the moment, and that it was important to put the private interest before the public interest.

He said that after a long study and consultation, he had taken to welcoming the outcome of the National Consultative Assembly meeting, which produced electoral procedures that would hand over most of the parliamentary elections to state leaders.

He also urged the leaders of the National Consultative Assembly and the electoral commissions to play a leading role in the conduct of the elections, which will be held in a credible manner.

The Council of Candidates, of which Abdikarim is a member, issued a statement today rejecting yesterday's proceedings of the National Consultative Assembly.

The Union of Opposition Candidates described the parliamentary process as a one-size-fits-all election, but a direct nomination.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Farmajo succeeds in putting his hand on the parliamentary elections

 Somaliland featured the National Roble Council and Heads of State who agreed on election procedures, such as delegate vote selection, security selection cost system to ensure women's quota in a fired deal in Gulhane, the prime minister and state leaders took over the power to elect members of parliament and included provisions that made it easier for them to control voters.

 Election as Member of Parliament and the process of agreements Already in the last elections at the federal level, it requires the most energy in electing members of Parliament belonging to the tribal seat with a copy of the agreed selection process The voting delegates will discuss how to fill the voting delegates can be said to be valid only if At least two thirds of the delegates were

Heads of State will get another opportunity to reduce the number of AMISOM members from the elected seats in Parliament as the member of the paper will be entrenched criminal elements in this election except for a force from the Election Commission at the level of the Somali Federal Government. It has handed over all its powers to a state level commission chaired by state heads of government and the powers of the commission to oversee electoral budget management, legislation and ratification remain only for members of parliament.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Farmajo's extravagance at his party for the Turks

 The government, including Prime Minister Roble, oppose Farmajo's relationship with Turkey, and the evidence is Roble's failure to attend the party that Farmajo hosted with an lavish sum of state funds, despite the daily financial problems faced by the Somali people.

Instead of improving the lives of the Somali people, who suffered a lot under the leadership of outgoing President Farmajo, Farmajo spends the money of the state and the Somali people on a banquet hosted by Turkish officials loyal to him

The outgoing president hosted a dinner in honor of Turkish officials in Villa Somalia, at a time when the country and the Somali people are going through severe financial hardship, as evidenced by the faces of the poor in and around Villa Somalia.

He should have spent his money to persuade and improve his relations with Turkey, to disperse the elected people for whom he took charge, and he really failed to lead the Somali people.

Relations The regime of cowardice with Turkey has only benefited the Somali people through murder, repression, repression, looting and political isolation.

Turkey's alleged financial support for Somalia also falls directly into Farmajo's pocket, and is used to control and corrupt the country's elections, in order to bring Farmajo back to power.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Roble, who returned from a trip to Egypt on Thursday morning, refused to attend the cheese ceremony in honor of Turkish officials.

The incident highlights the deteriorating relationship between Farmajo and Roble, even as the country prepares for parliamentary elections, and it may affect Farmajo's re-election hopes.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


 One of the main attractions of the Autonomous Region of Puntland in the northern reaches of Somalia, the ancient settlement of Eskochoban built dusty stone walls and beautiful arabic fortifications centuries ago.

It is believed that Baqa was one of the main power bases of the Magirantia sultans who ruled the Horn of Africa for most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

However, regardless of the date, most people come here to see the waterfalls, which flow when in season

Farmajo works to falsify the parliamentary elections

Farmajo is the reason for the deterioration of the elections in the country and the National Assembly Conference must raise Farmajo's hand from the elections because he is exploiting them to win the largest number of seats

Farmajo is still interfering in the elections in order to expand his constituency and ensure his presence in the presidency, so he exploits the heads of the regions that support to win the largest number of seats in the House of Representatives elections

The Somali elections are facing new challenges day by day, but if Farmajo has been repeatedly accused of not running for office, he is now stuck with the leaders of the Somali regional administration.

The fierce competition based on greed and political interests among the country's regional leaders prevents the completion of elections by 2021.

It is expected that the leaders of the region and Ruble will meet in Mogadishu on Saturday after a meeting that was scheduled for the nineteenth of this month, which called for the absence of the Prime Minister from the country.

It is necessary to prevent Farmajo from rigging the elections by Prime Minister Roble, because holding the elections in more than one city is to increase the number of seats that Farmajo will obtain.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Turkey's support for Farmajo ended freedoms in Somalia and made Farmajo a tyrannical ruler.

 Ankara’s pursuit of military cooperation with Somalia aims at its desire to obtain contracts to arm the Somali army after the departure of the African Union forces, so that Mogadishu becomes a gateway to open new markets for the Turkish military industry in some East African countries

The Turkish intervention in our country, Somalia, caused great unemployment among the youth, as the Turkish domination of government projects forced the small merchants to bankrupt and leave their livelihood, in addition to the fact that the Turks brought their medical equipment, cadres, building materials and construction from their country, then they sell the service to the Somalis with large sums of money

Turkey and its pharmaceutical system have diplomatic relations in the fields of security, economy, politics and trade, and Farmajo's biggest ally is now Turkey.

Turkey aspires to dominate politics and economy in the Horn of Africa region, and sees Somalia as a path to its goals and ambitions in the Horn of Africa.

 Turkey supports Farmajo personally, under the guise of supporting the Somali nation and the Somali people, and considers Farmajo a gateway to Somalia's resources.

 Erdogan's support and arms for Farmajo undermined the independence and constitution of the Somali nation and made it difficult for Farmajo to become a dictator.

 Somalia's relationship with Turkey has not benefited from constant interference, political turmoil, and weapons of mass destruction.

 What many Somalis do not know is that Turkey's relationship with us has led to the spread of terrorism on our land and the daily bombings inside Somalia.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Announcement by the Electoral Commission about Parliament

 The Federal Electoral Commission (FEC) has been embroiled in controversy over the release of the Somali Parliamentary election results, which were announced yesterday, according to a statement from the commission.

Said Abshir, a member of the committee, explained the reasons for the dispute and his reasons for opposing the procedure.

The reason, Said said, is that it is not yet time to announce the process, as some administrations have not yet completed the Upper House elections.

"We have not objected to the process but it is not time to announce it. We are an independent election commission. What we are working on is not a written law or an approved election law," he said. Said Abshir.

He also expressed surprise at the announcement of the election process, which he said was timed to take place at a time when some members of the commission were away from regional administrations.

"The top members of the FEIT have gone to the states to monitor the BFS Upper House Senatorship.

Meanwhile, FEIT's Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Abdi Hiis, opposed the move, sending a letter of complaint to the country's National Consultative Assembly.

Abdi Hiis also warned of further problems with the process announced by the Federal Electoral Commission yesterday.

This could lead to poor co-operation between the members of the Federal Electoral Commission and the difficult task of holding the 2021 elections.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Lag Badana-Bushbush National Park

 A land of sandy palms and golden sands, where the lazy wash of the Indian Ocean perches on the beach and bamboo huts en route to coconut groves, you might think Lag Badana-Bushbush National Park is a veritable paradise.

In fact, it is.

Or at least it would have been, had it not been for the brutal conflicts that swept the southern regions of Somalia where the reserve is located.

These have gone from the civil war of the '90s and '40s to confrontations with the extremists today.

When you're done, perhaps this wonderful land of tropical beauty will be on the list again.

Farmajo's greed will cause a major crisis

 Farmajo wants to make Somalia a failed state before the international community because he does not want to achieve elections. We all bear responsibility for the heads of the regions loyal to Farmajo

It is necessary to address Farmajo and the corruption he is doing to the elections. The international community will boycott Somalia if the elections continue in this way, and all this is because of Farmajo and his actions.

Interim Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble chaired tonight a vision meeting attended by the heads of the National Consultative Council made up of the federal government, heads of state and the mayor of Mogadishu.

A statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office said that meeting tonight to discuss the elections has been scheduled for Mogadishu with the heads of state.

 Next Thursday, August 19, it was agreed to hold a meeting of the National Consultative Council in Mogadishu, which will focus on preparations for the parliamentary elections, among other things.

 He explained that "the National Shura Council agreed to convene in Mogadishu next Thursday, August 19, which will focus on preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections, preparing electoral procedures, finding funding for the remainder of the elections and how to move forward." Statement from Roble's office

Monday, August 16, 2021

Erdogan continues to support Farmajo to control the country by force.

 This is not the first time that the Turkish government has supported Somalia or the Farmajo system with military vehicles or weapons.

Turkey is assisting Somalia in a number of areas, starting with its military build-up, and is headquartered in Mogadishu.

Wali We continue to support the Farmajo spoiler to stay in power, relentlessly donating weapons, military vehicles and financial resources to corrupt the country's elections.

The armored vehicles donated by Turkey to the Farmajo system come after previous financial support was given to Farmajo to control the ongoing elections in somalia.

The outgoing president is abusing Turkish military support and using it to loot elections and suppress all opposition to his policies.

It is questionable the extent of Erdogan's ambition to provide Farmajo with these weapons and money at a time when Turkey does not have the funds to buy fire engines.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Fawzia Haj Adam is running in the elections

 The candidate to run for the presidency in Somalia, Fawzia Haj Adam, said that the men failed to restore the prestige of the state and reduce the suffering of the citizens, noting that she is seeking to crowd out the men to correct the course of the state.

Fawzia (50 years old) added in an interview with the Turkish "Anadolu Agency" that "Somali women have not aspired seriously before for the presidency for decades, not mental or physical disability, but rather to experience the role of a man in running the country."

Regarding her electoral program, Fawzia said that it will focus on forming a government of technocrats, "ministers who do not belong to political parties", to enhance the capabilities of government institutions, "which enables citizens to touch state services, unlike the reality they are accustomed to from the almost complete absence of basic services provided by the state."

She attributed the weakness of state institutions to attributing them to non-citizens for tribal considerations and without taking into account the appropriate personality.

Regarding her perception of her country's foreign policy, Fawzia said: "I have great experience in the diplomatic field since my childhood, and foreign policy is what determines the nature of relations with other countries, and it comes within the framework of national security."

Fawzia is the first Somali woman to announce her intention to run for the presidency, in which 20 potential candidates will compete, all of whom are men, with the exception of her, most notably: current President Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo, former President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, and former President Sharif Sheikh Hassan.

Farmajo is a symbol of corruption in Somalia.

 Somalia's anti-corruption watchdog says corruption is widespread somalia A new study by Marqaati shows that parts of Mogadishu, especially 50 percent of those it spoke to, said they paid bribes last year.

Fourteen percent of the Somali population In Somalia, the study shows that they paid bribes and some paid once a week. Most of these bribes were reportedly paid to the federal government forces and the Benadir regional administration.

An independent commission was appointed in Mogadishu yesterday will work to fight corruption, but the reality is that it was done to disrupt the country's elections.

Farmajo's government is corrupt and crosses the border by embezzling the salaries of government employees in many places where their employees do not receive their salaries due to corruption and injustice.

Corruption in Somalia has come from the Farmajo administration, as evidenced by the fact that the international community has cut off funding to Somalia due to corruption in its government.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

The dispute between Roble and Farmajo widens

 In a speech to members of the Somali community in Nairobi, Prime Minister Roble addressed the recent rift between him and outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.

In his speech, Roble confirmed the existence of the conflict, adding that an agreement has now been reached, and in this report we will look at five aspects of Roble's attack on Farmajo, as well as the fact that no agreement has yet been reached.

At first, Roble's acknowledgment of disagreement was a watershed moment for those who believed the two men were not at loggerheads. .

1. Roble said that the country was in a bad place in 2016, and has survived a civil war. Who made it worse than in 2016 and who is responsible for the problem? It is a clear message that Farmajo has destroyed the country.

2- Roble said that when he was in a bad situation he had to be trusted and that is why he could not run in this election. The one who is trusted and who Roble says is more important to him is Farmajo, and this is another clear war.

3- Roble said in his speech in Nairobi that an attempt was made to discredit him and make him leave the Somali sea. He said that as people had previously been branded as selling the sea or selling such an invasion, he denied that he wanted to enter into a maritime agreement or that there were any Somalis who could enter into a maritime agreement.

In this episode, he responded directly to Farmajo and his team trying to label Roble as wanting to discuss the maritime issue with the Kenyan government. It is a serious response to Farmajo's statement that a dangerous agreement with Kenya is to be reached. This is another sign indicating the two men still remain.

4- Roble said that he has given up his candidacy, he has a good chance to save the country he was entrusted with, and it is not possible for anyone else's ambition to be kidnapped in the country, this is a response to Farmajo's election ambitions.

5. On the issue of qat, he said that there is no issue of khat in Nairobi at the moment, but that the two countries will start talks and meetings to restore relations and share, and he said that the outcome of those talks if there is an issue of qat will not be a problem. no. It was also understood that trade agreements would be entered into sooner rather than later, and Farmajo said co-operation with senior officials was a must.

Roble's speech in Nairobi from a political point of view showed that the two men had not yet reached an official agreement, but sources said there were talks led by members of Farmajo's party who believed that if Roble fighting continues to jeopardize Farmajo's re-election.

Roble is said to have welcomed the negotiations, but insisted that his powers and administration during the transition should not be interfered with.

Roble wants the interest of Somalia, but Farmajo is trying to destroy it in various ways so that he is the only one in power and wants to eliminate his opponents by illegal means so that he ends those who oppose him and leaves only his supporters and his subjects

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Filish fires four neighborhood commissioners

 The governor of Benadir region, Omar Mohamed Mohamed (Filish) has today fired four district commissioners, following a decree issued by his office, which was seen by the capital's news network.

The sacked commissioners are Hamarweyne district commissioner Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir, Karan district commissioner Abshir Karaan, Waberi district commissioner Abdiaziz Osman Jama and Hiliwa district commissioner Abdihakin Omar Abdulle.

The mayor of Mogadishu has also appointed Mire Salad Dhuhulow as the new district commissioner of Heliwaa district, while other district commissioners in Hamarweyne, Karaan and Waberi districts of Benadir region have been appointed.

President feet is keep Mohamed Shafeer deputy security in the region, as it does to a temporary office this morning named Jamal Ali and deputy security in the district, while Karan acting looga the Hassan Sheekow is the deputy security commissioner of the district.

Step dismissal of Omar Filish has been expected, and very soon looga talked about social networking sites on the Internet.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The most important tourist attractions in Somalia


 Somaliland, known as Somaliland, is one of the most important tourist attractions in Somalia, and visitors can see some exceptional rock paintings, enjoy walking along the beaches, visit city markets, enjoy the beauty of the scenic landscape, and see the monuments in the far east and west of the country.

Las Gale

 Las Gail is one of the most important Somali tourist sites, located in the autonomous region of Somaliland, and consists of a series of caves, and it is noted that it embraces many rock art paintings, dating back to the Neolithic era, which made Las Gail among the sites of UNESCO World Heritage.

virginity market

 Bakara Market is one of the most famous landmarks in Somalia, which is located in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, as it displays various Somali colors and flavors, and is filled with street food vendors, and stalls selling national souvenirs at a low price.

 Other tourist attractions in Somalia Somalia embraces many other tourist attractions, including the following:

 The old city of Shanghai: located in the Somali capital, and is characterized by the beauty of its scenic views

Berbera and Sanabis beaches:

 It is considered one of the best beaches in Somalia, providing the opportunity to enjoy water, soft sand, and the possibility of practicing many water sports.


 It is distinguished by its attractive strategic location, located amidst undulating hills at an altitude of 1,450 meters, and it is a very green place compared to other places in the country.


One of the most unique provinces in Somalia, it is one of the most amazing places for bird watching in Somaliland.

Dalo Forest:

 It is one of the best tourist places in Somaliland, where Karen village is considered the gateway to the forest, which is located 16 kilometers to the northeast of Irjavu, and visitors can enjoy watching birds, mammals, and endemic animals.

Erdogan finances Farmajo to bribe candidates

 The Turkish government announced, last Thursday, its donation of $ 30 million to Somalia, which has come under heavy criticism after Turkey recently announced that it had no firefighting planes, at a time when several cities in the country were on fire.

Ankara's donation to Somalia, which will provide $2.5 million per month for a year, will be used to "support the budget and build government facilities," as part of an agreement the two countries signed last month and all of this aid is provided by Turkey.

With another goal, which is to help Farmajo and finance him, as this money will not benefit Somalia and will be taken by Farmajo, who uses all this support and Turkey sends all this to use this money to rig the elections in his favor and remain in his dictatorial position

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Farmajo wants to win the elections by fraud

 Farmajo wants to make all the elections in his favor only and that all those present in it are supporters of him in order to guarantee victory in those elections. What Farmajo did is that he agreed with Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kari Gargour confirming that Gargour has been busy over the past two weeks seeking to remove Abshir from the Senate Bukhari.

Farmajo believed that Bashir Bukhari had been a major obstacle to his administration's reform of the country's federal system over the past four years. So he got rid of him with his help, Gore. And Gore was not satisfied with his dismissal, but he actually started trying to move the parliament seat, to spread the Luga. It is also possible that Karkor obtained this seat by a person close to Absher Bukhari, so that he lost hope in the house of the people. And this was what Farmajo's agreement stipulated that all positions in the council be for people affiliated with Farmajo.

The plan did not stop here, but it was planned to reappoint Senator Samsam, a member of Farmajo's faction, while MP Abdelhaqin Moallem Ahmed, who is close to Farmajo, will be transferred to the Senate, to ensure his return. He pays for Farmajo's return. Fighting may erupt in the city when Qorqur announces her list of candidates.

Monday, August 9, 2021

The Somali-born fighter who is honored by Italy

 Rome City Council voted earlier this August to name a metro station under construction in the Italian capital after Giorgio Marincola, in honor of this Italian-Somali figure, who was a member of the Italian resistance.

Marincola was killed at the age of 21 when retreating Nazi forces opened fire on a checkpoint on May 4, 1945, two days after Germany formally surrendered in Italy at the end of World War II.

The station, which is currently under construction, would have been called Amba Aradam Ebino, in reference to the Italian campaign in Ethiopia in 1936 when fascist forces brutally unleashed chemical weapons and committed war crimes in the gruesome Battle of Amba Aradam.

"black warrior"

Activists initially placed a sign on the metro station's site saying that no station should be called "persecution", and argued that Marincola's short but remarkable life should be remembered.

Marincola, better known as the "Black Warrior", was an active member of the resistance.

In 1953, he was awarded Italy's highest military honor, the Medal d'Oro Alvalor Militaire, in recognition of his efforts and sacrifices.

Marincola was born in 1923 in Mahaday, a town on the Shabelle River north of Mogadishu, in what was then Italian Somaliland.

His mother, Ashkeiro Hassan, was Somali, while his father was an Italian army officer named Giuseppe Marincola.

At that time, few Italian colonists had recognized children born of their marriages with Somali women.

But Giuseppe Marincola bucked this trend and later brought his son and daughter Isabella to Italy to be raised by his family.

A meeting between cabdiraxmaan cabdishakuur and roble

 Politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame gave details of his private meeting with Prime Minister Roble last night.

At the prime minister's office has launched looga spoke about the election and the overall situation, as revealed CC nimble.

He also pointed out that the meeting discussed encouraging ongoing efforts and Roble's action against Farmajo's decree.

"I had a meeting with Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble. We asked each other about the elections and the general political situation in the country, ”he said.

Meanwhile, the prime minister's office has not yet commented on Roble's meeting with the Wadajir party leader.

The meeting between the two sides comes at a critical time, with a rift between the government and the outgoing president.

The meeting between the two officials also coincided with the arrival of the Kenyan foreign minister in Mogadishu yesterday for talks with Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble on bilateral relations.

However, political analysts have expressed differing views on the meeting, which comes at a time of political crisis in Villa Somalia, and opposition candidates have shown strong support for Roble.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Farmajo imposes sanctions during the conduct of the elections

 Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has issued a decree declaring that while fulfilling his 'constitutional duty to protect the national assets and sovereignty of our country', a presidential decree has barred government institutions from entering into agreements. affecting the politics, economy and security of the country.

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, HE Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who is fulfilling his constitutional duty to protect the national assets and sovereignty of our country, has issued a Presidential decree barring government institutions from entering into any agreement or agreement affecting the country's politics, economy and security.

The President, taking into account the political circumstances and the smooth running of the country's electoral process, the constitutional duty of the Houses of Parliament to verify, verify and evaluate our country's agreements and agreements with other countries, institutions and international companies issued the following:

1. Agreements with the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) such as the Government and other executive bodies of international organizations, institutions and international companies have been suspended by Presidential Decree.

2. It is prohibited, until after the elections, that the Ministries and other government agencies enter into agreements or talks in the name of the Federal Government of Somalia that affect the future of the country, the sovereignty of the country, the land and sea of ​​our country.

3- It is forbidden to enter into trade agreements with other countries during the elections in the country.

4- According to a press statement issued by the President of the Republic on 19 January 2018 stating that public property can not be paid, and no agreement can be signed on the transfer, lease and any other procedure related to the benefit of public property.

5. The President of the Republic has instructed all government institutions to safeguard the dignity, nationhood and progress made in recent years.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Turkey helps Farmajo to rig elections with financial support

 Despite the many problems in Somalia, the situation is tense, and crises are increasing in Somalia due to the holding of the elections. Farmajo is still drawing his support from Turkey, as he is now preparing to receive support from Turkey in order to be able to rig the elections.

He remains in his position in power and continues to rule Somalia with his dictatorial policy, and now he is cooperating with Prime Minister Robley in rigging the elections so that Farmajo succeeds and remains in office and continues to plunder Somalia's wealth

Turkey's interests in Somalia continue, but the people must not remain silent about these supplies, which destroy Somalia and do not help it. They must be prevented and fair elections should be held so that Somalia does not return to civil war again

Members of the northern regional committee boycott tomorrow's election

 A faction of the Somaliland Electoral Commission has refused to participate in tomorrow's election announced by the office of Prime Minister Roble, which is scheduled to take place at the Aficio Tent.

The election was to be held for 11 members of the commission to elect their leaders, but the commission split into two factions.

Members who refuse to run in the by-elections scheduled for tomorrow are the four nominated by Speaker of the Upper House Abdi Hashi, who leads one of the two factions that have split from northern politicians.

The four members of the commission, led by Abdi Hashi, have made it a condition of their participation in tomorrow's election that they can run for office in one of two ways.

1 - 8 members to vote for the presidency and Roble's nominees do not participate in the election.

2 - And to negotiate and reach an external agreement to resolve the dispute before the election.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

How did the veiled model defied the restrictions and starred in the fashion world?

 Ikram Abdi Omar was the first hijab-wearing model in the UK to appear on the cover of Vogue at the age of 21 and the first face of the Burberry fashion brand in 2019.

The Swedish-born, 23-year-old Somali model who lives in Bristol says her legacy and religious beliefs have greatly influenced her modeling career.

“I love the idea that everyone can express themselves differently and convey a message through fashion alone,” she says.

“I believe my role in this industry is empowering women in and of itself, because it shows that women have the choice to wear whatever they want – whether or not that includes showing their bodies – while still feeling radiant,” she says.

She continues: "The hijab in itself is a very important thing for me because it symbolizes modesty and beauty, it shows confidence, and it is a reminder that I have the choice to dress however I want."

“In a more spiritual sense, I feel closer to God and to Islam when I wear the hijab, and this feeling is increasing over the years.”

When Ikram told her relatives in 2018 that she intended to leave her studies in biomedical sciences to start her modeling career, there were mixed reactions.

"I felt like my grandparents would think of modeling as indecent and worrying," she says.

But after I talked to them about the modest fashion shows, they became more knowledgeable, and they also saw pictures that made them more comfortable."

Although her father, Abdi Omar, wanted her to complete her studies at the University of the West of England, he supported her choice.

About this, he says, "I think that as long as it does not affect her religious beliefs, I have no objection."

He added, "Many in Somali society questioned Ikram's career path, and we had to explain to them. The old generations do not accept anything about modeling or women being in front of the public, but it is important to educate them and explain to them that if you have values ​​and morals, then Western society will respect you."

Galmudug Parliament Speaker denies obtaining private seats in Parliament

 The speaker of the Galmudug parliament, Dr. Mohamed Nur Ga'al, dismissed fears that there were special seats reserved for candidates.

The speaker said Galmudug citizens can freely compete for seats in both houses of parliament, and said no one has the power to stop it.

The statement from the Speaker of the Galmudug Parliament comes at a time when the President of Galmudug is expected to submit the list of candidates for the upper house which is being watched by many influential politicians in Galmudug.

Galmudug's election security committee yesterday issued an order banning the importation of weapons into Galmudug, following the arrival of politicians and parliamentarians in Dhusamareb.

There are serious fears of political turmoil in the Galmudug elections, as Galmudug is home to many opposition politicians.

Opposition politicians have accused President Qoorqoor of plotting to exclude opposition politicians from the upper house.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Prime Minister Roble once again supported Abdi Hashi with Mahdi Guled

 Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble yesterday took a step that appears to end a bitter dispute over the leadership of the northern regional election commissions.

But on closer inspection, it appears that Roble is planning to reaffirm that the administration of the Somaliland Electoral Commission will be in the hands of Mahdi Guled and President Farmajo.

One month ago, the Northern Regions Electoral Commission split into two factions, led by Speaker of the Upper House Abdi Hashi Abdullahi and Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Mohamed Guled, and elected two leaders.

What is Roble's solution?

However, Roble, who met with members of the northern regional election commissions in his office yesterday, said the election of the northern regional election commission leadership had been canceled.

A statement from Roble's office said: "The Prime Minister has announced that the recent election of the two leaders has been canceled and the Office of the Prime Minister will announce the date and venue for the election."

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Abdi Hashi sets conditions for Roble

 The Speaker of the Upper House, Abdi Hashi, has rejected a request from the caretaker Prime Minister to take control of the northern regions of Somaliland.

Abdi Hashi said there was no solution to their concerns that the election administration would be handed over to Roble, and that the dispute between the two factions of the Somaliland Electoral Commission needed to be resolved.

He said the destiny of the nation could never be transferred, and that the people of the North had a constitutional right to decide their own destiny and to ensure the independence of their elections.

"The Somaliland Political Council informs you (Prime Minister) that the destiny of the nation cannot be transferred and that the people of the North have a constitutional right to decide their own destiny and to ensure the independence of the 57 seats in both Houses." said in a letter issued by Abdi Hashi.

Abdi Hashi's two-page statement went directly to the caretaker Prime Minister, heads of state and the Benadir region, and suggested three points that he said could be key to resolving the crisis. .

The three proposals submitted by Abdi Hashi to the Leaders of the National Consultative Assembly are;

Establishment of electoral direction: Abdi Hashi and Mahdi Guled to co-lead the electoral administration.

Reconciliation of the two sides of the commission: with a fair distribution of the chairmanship of the two parties.

The polling station and its security: To hold the elections in Halane and to ensure the security of the Somali Police Force and AMISOM.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Farmajo sells Somalia to Turkey

 Somalia is experiencing many crises and problems in it, and they are increasing every day because of the dictatorial policies that Farmajo takes and that he is working not to hold any elections in the country and is trying with all his might to extend himself

He uses all his followers to obstruct and disrupt any elections that take place in Somalia, and all this so that he enjoys his authority and his position and does not want to step down from him. He draws all his forces and support from Turkey and Qatar, as they provide him with all support to remain in his position

Turkey continues to train Somali soldiers, exploits them for its own benefit, and then sends them to Somalia so that they are under the orders of the dictator Farmajo and have the power to rule the country and continue his dictatorial rule.

Abdi Hashi will intervene if the one-party elections are held

 Speaker of the Upper House Abdi Hashi Abdullahi has warned that Mahdi Guled's faction in the northern regions of Somaliland will hold elections, as it has a majority in the commission.

Abdi Hashi said that if Mahdi Guled's faction took such a step, they would hold elections, noting that the opposition faction of the Northern Regions Electoral Commission had ignored efforts to get a united front to elect a leader.

"You are the ones who have the right to vote and produce their members of parliament, and if that happens then prepare to hold elections," said Speaker Abdi Hashi.

"It is said that we will hold an election and the committee you were told to make it 7 there (Mahdi Guled and the government) and 4 here, they are saying it is the majority and they are going on, so you are the ones who have the right to vote. ”

Disputes over the Northern Electoral Commission have so far not been resolved, with meetings between the two sides failing to reunite the split commission, which has two separate committees.

Chairman Abdi Hashi's faction consists of four members, while Mahdi Guled's faction consists of four members, in addition to three other members of the government, who were appointed by Prime Minister Roble.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Geography of Somalia

 Somalia is a country located in the Horn of Africa which officially consists of five federal member states, namely Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubaland, South West, Puntland and the municipality of Benadir. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the west, the Gulf of Aden to the north, the Somali Sea and Guardafui Channel to the east, and Kenya to the southwest. With a land area of 637,657 square kilometers, Somalia's terrain consists mainly of plateaus, plains and highlands. Its coastline is more than 3,333 kilometers in length, the longest of mainland Africa. It has been described as being roughly shaped "like a tilted number seven".

In the far north, the rugged east–west ranges of the Ogo Mountains lie at varying distances from the Gulf of Aden coast. Hot conditions prevail year-round, along with periodic monsoon winds and irregular rainfall.[6] Geology suggests the presence of valuable mineral deposits.

Somalia is separated from Seychelles by the Somali Sea and is separated from Socotra by the Guardafui Channel. Non speaker of Somali language are (1) wazigua, (2) Bajuni, (3) Barwani (4) Booni, (5) Tunni (ethnic Somalis who speak a different but closely related language to their fellow Somalis), the first 3 ethnic groups speak Bantu languages whilst the last two speak Cushitic languages.

Turkey's interference in Somalia's affairs continues

 Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo Closing Ceremony of the Third Batch of Officers and the Fourth Batch of Deputy Officers of the Somali National Army who graduated from the school in which they are trained in Turkey

Farmajo thanked the government and people of our brotherly country, Turkey, for their efforts in training these officers inside the country, noting that the relationship between Turkey and Somalia is based on brotherhood and great cooperation.

All of this followed Farmajo's plan to send more young Somalis, its people and its people to Turkey with the aim of being trained there, but this is just a ploy. Rather, Turkey uses it in its wars and makes them mercenaries for them.