Tuesday, August 24, 2021

AbdiKarim Goulid approved the outputs of the advisory board, because he is a supporter of Farmajo.

 Presidential candidate Abdikarim Hussein Guled welcomed the procedures in a statement issued yesterday by the National Consultative Council, which was rejected by the Union of Candidates.

Abdikarim Guled, a member of the Union of Candidates, said the country needed progress at the moment, and that it was important to put the private interest before the public interest.

He said that after a long study and consultation, he had taken to welcoming the outcome of the National Consultative Assembly meeting, which produced electoral procedures that would hand over most of the parliamentary elections to state leaders.

He also urged the leaders of the National Consultative Assembly and the electoral commissions to play a leading role in the conduct of the elections, which will be held in a credible manner.

The Council of Candidates, of which Abdikarim is a member, issued a statement today rejecting yesterday's proceedings of the National Consultative Assembly.

The Union of Opposition Candidates described the parliamentary process as a one-size-fits-all election, but a direct nomination.

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