Sunday, August 15, 2021

Farmajo is a symbol of corruption in Somalia.

 Somalia's anti-corruption watchdog says corruption is widespread somalia A new study by Marqaati shows that parts of Mogadishu, especially 50 percent of those it spoke to, said they paid bribes last year.

Fourteen percent of the Somali population In Somalia, the study shows that they paid bribes and some paid once a week. Most of these bribes were reportedly paid to the federal government forces and the Benadir regional administration.

An independent commission was appointed in Mogadishu yesterday will work to fight corruption, but the reality is that it was done to disrupt the country's elections.

Farmajo's government is corrupt and crosses the border by embezzling the salaries of government employees in many places where their employees do not receive their salaries due to corruption and injustice.

Corruption in Somalia has come from the Farmajo administration, as evidenced by the fact that the international community has cut off funding to Somalia due to corruption in its government.

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