Saturday, August 14, 2021

The dispute between Roble and Farmajo widens

 In a speech to members of the Somali community in Nairobi, Prime Minister Roble addressed the recent rift between him and outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.

In his speech, Roble confirmed the existence of the conflict, adding that an agreement has now been reached, and in this report we will look at five aspects of Roble's attack on Farmajo, as well as the fact that no agreement has yet been reached.

At first, Roble's acknowledgment of disagreement was a watershed moment for those who believed the two men were not at loggerheads. .

1. Roble said that the country was in a bad place in 2016, and has survived a civil war. Who made it worse than in 2016 and who is responsible for the problem? It is a clear message that Farmajo has destroyed the country.

2- Roble said that when he was in a bad situation he had to be trusted and that is why he could not run in this election. The one who is trusted and who Roble says is more important to him is Farmajo, and this is another clear war.

3- Roble said in his speech in Nairobi that an attempt was made to discredit him and make him leave the Somali sea. He said that as people had previously been branded as selling the sea or selling such an invasion, he denied that he wanted to enter into a maritime agreement or that there were any Somalis who could enter into a maritime agreement.

In this episode, he responded directly to Farmajo and his team trying to label Roble as wanting to discuss the maritime issue with the Kenyan government. It is a serious response to Farmajo's statement that a dangerous agreement with Kenya is to be reached. This is another sign indicating the two men still remain.

4- Roble said that he has given up his candidacy, he has a good chance to save the country he was entrusted with, and it is not possible for anyone else's ambition to be kidnapped in the country, this is a response to Farmajo's election ambitions.

5. On the issue of qat, he said that there is no issue of khat in Nairobi at the moment, but that the two countries will start talks and meetings to restore relations and share, and he said that the outcome of those talks if there is an issue of qat will not be a problem. no. It was also understood that trade agreements would be entered into sooner rather than later, and Farmajo said co-operation with senior officials was a must.

Roble's speech in Nairobi from a political point of view showed that the two men had not yet reached an official agreement, but sources said there were talks led by members of Farmajo's party who believed that if Roble fighting continues to jeopardize Farmajo's re-election.

Roble is said to have welcomed the negotiations, but insisted that his powers and administration during the transition should not be interfered with.

Roble wants the interest of Somalia, but Farmajo is trying to destroy it in various ways so that he is the only one in power and wants to eliminate his opponents by illegal means so that he ends those who oppose him and leaves only his supporters and his subjects

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