Monday, May 31, 2021

Muse Bihi Coalition Formed With Qatar And Its Consequences

 Somaliland has been proud of its foreign policy and is self-sufficient, but in recent days it has been revealed that it has formed an alliance with Qatar, a plan that Muse Bihi has a vested interest in and not for the benefit of the Somaliland people.

This alliance is likely to be counterproductive and undermine the development and democratization of Somaliland.

It is unfortunate and disgraceful for the people of Somaliland that Muse Bihi has chosen the honor and trust that has been entrusted to him for a small financial risk.

This self-interested relationship could cause the UAE, which has really supported Somaliland, to give up and not recognize at a time when Somaliland needs a political ally.

It could also damage Somaliland's relations with the world as Qatar has been repeatedly accused of being a haven for terrorists.

Finally, I call on the people of Somaliland not to accept the crisis and the impending future and to set an example of the tragedy and bombings that Somalia is carrying out.

Farmajo breaks his silence and prepares to spread another mess in the media.

 Farmajo is trying to spread chaos again and issue decisions that he has no right to issue, such as changing the director general of the Ministry of Information and directors of state media, and this opposes what Prime Minister roble is doing in achieving security and stability of the country during the election period, which is called a transitional period because it is difficult. And it has many challenges facing the people and good government, and it is not affiliated with Farmajo.

And if we think a little about those decisions that Farmajo is taking, he is trying to appoint people loyal to him in order to carry out his orders, so he has not yet given up in keeping himself in power despite the end of his mandate and the obligation to take place at the present time. And Farmajo has the goals of appointing media managers in order to implement the orders that come from Farmajo and to launch a media campaign against the opposition in the coming period in order to sabotage everything by trying to make the elections in a state of instability.

The people must stand up to these attempts by Farmajo in order to remain in power, and warnings must be given because he is planning an attack so that fair elections will not take place.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Qatar sends new message to Somalia

 The government of Qatar has sent a message of support and solidarity to Somalia, following last night's bomb blast in Baidoa that killed civilians and injured others.

The blast took place at a qat market in central Baidoa amid heavy traffic, witnesses told Capital Online, killing three people and injuring seven others.

A statement from the Qatari government said Doha strongly condemned the bombing, which targeted and killed and injured civilians.

A statement from the Qatari Foreign Ministry added that the government was taking a firm stand against terrorist attacks, regardless of their motives.

The ministry added that Qatar extends its condolences to the families of the victims and to the government and people of Somalia, and wishes the injured a speedy recovery.

The condemnation of Qatar comes at a time when Qatar itself has previously been accused of being involved in some terrorist attacks inside Somalia.

In July 2019, the New York Times published an audio recording of a conversation between a businessman close to the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Qatar's Ambassador to Somalia Hassan Hamsa about the bombing. in Bossaso and the killing of the DP World chief at the port of Bossaso.

The businessman told the ambassador that they were aware of the killings and the explosion and that they were behind it by their allies, so that the UAE could move from Bossaso out of fear. The blast, claimed by ISIS, injured eight people.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

US instructs DF and state governments on one issue after election agreement

 The United States welcomes the agreement reached between the Federal Government of Somalia and the leaders of the regional administrations on May 27 to hold parliamentary and presidential elections.

"The United States welcomes the May 27 agreement between the Heads of State and Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia to proceed with the parliamentary and presidential elections in accordance with the September 17, 2020 agreement," the State Department said in a statement. United States.

The United States commended Prime Minister Roble for his efforts to reach an agreement on the disputed election, and called on all parties to abide by the terms of the agreement and the concessions made during the week of talks.

"We commend the parties for their swift implementation of the agreement, as peaceful, inclusive, free and timely elections will contribute to Somalia's continued path to peace and prosperity," the statement said. out of the United States.

Finally, the United States will continue to support the Federal Government of Somalia.

Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed the agreement reached on Somalia's elections and called for the immediate implementation of the agreement.

"I welcome the agreement reached between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Leaders of the Federal Member States on the implementation of the electoral process on September 17 as a result of a conference convened by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble." issued by UN Secretary-General's spokesman Stéphane Dujarric

The Secretary-General also urged all stakeholders to implement the agreement as soon as possible, an important step towards holding an acceptable and transparent electoral process without further delay.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Contents of the Electoral Agreement to be signed on Thursday in Mogadishu

 The election agreement is set to be signed at the Aficiooni camp on Thursday after nearly a week of successful negotiations.

The event, which will be attended by former presidents Sheikh Sharif, Hassan Sheikh and Farmajo, in addition to the prime minister, heads of regional administrations and the governor of Benadir, will be preceded by a statement and then speeches. Civil society members were also invited.

Preliminary reports from the conference indicate that the agreement will be part of the agreement reached by the technical committees in Baidoa on February 15-16, 2021.

Politics: Thursday's communiqué will make it harder for elections to take place in two constituencies in each regional administration with a solution reached in Gedo, which was previously held by Farmajo.

The number of voters who will elect one seat, which was 101, will also be the same as the lower house of the federal parliament of Somalia.

State parliaments will also elect members of the Upper House of the Federal Parliament of Somalia.

The disputed committees have been reshuffled, with the prime minister and regional administrations expected to nominate new members.

It is noteworthy that the Federal Electoral Implementation Committee (FEIT) has two members, the Electoral and Disputes Commission, which has 25 members, each with two members, while the State Electoral Implementation Committee (SEIT) has each state builds 11 members.

In the case of Somaliland: Chairman Abdi Hashi, the senior elder of Somaliland politicians, denied that Farmajo and his group had one or two members in FEIT, and they were also denied access to the SEIT. Of the total 15 members expected in Somaliland, Abdi Hashi was given only 5 members, which means that Mahdi Guled, Farmajo's right-hand man, controls most of the Somaliland elections.

Security: Reports indicate that the security of the elections will be maintained by AMISOM and the police force while protecting the country's armed forces from political and electoral issues, and that the police should be the old, not the private. recently formed by Farmajo.

Selection: The selection of delegates is in collaboration with traditional elders, civil society and the State Government.

Women's Quota: Maintaining a 30% quota for women.

Election Schedule: Reports say a reasonable election schedule will be set and all 2021 elections will be completed within six months. In most cases, the requirements for membership in parliament and the $ 20,000 bill for the upper house and $ 10,000 for the lower house do not change.

Funding: In the 2021 elections, it will be funded by international donors with the participation of the federal government.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The closing date of the Afisyon conference announced

 The National Electoral Consultative Council meeting chaired by caretaker Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has entered its fourth day and has yielded positive results, according to Roble's office.

The conference is set to close next Thursday, and most of the contentious issues have been agreed upon.

Government spokesman Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu told reporters that the conference entered its fourth day today, and said leaders had shown maturity in their desire to reach an agreement on electoral issues.

"The prime minister, who has always been central to the talks, has been working day and night to make the conference a success," he said.

The tent Afisyooni opened last Saturday in the looga plot for disagreeing with, and that most of the parties have reached an agreement, and we still are factors such issue.

According to a government spokesman, preparations for the agreement have been finalized, and the conference will close next Thursday, with leaders announcing the terms of the agreement to guide the country to elections.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A meeting to resolve the current crisis for Abdi Hashi, A / Madobe and Deni

 A meeting between the Chairman of the Upper House Abdi Hashi Abdullahi and elected presidents and the president has the Airport Hotel, located in the capital, which looga discuss how to solve looga achieve the disputes process for appointing members of the election committees from entering the northern regions Somaliland.

The issue of Somaliland is one of the most difficult issues for the National Electoral Consultative Assembly.

A bitter feud between two factions of politicians in the northern regions over the nomination process for Somaliland's electoral commissions.

Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman Abdi Hashi are leading the two factions of politicians in the northern regions, and meetings in the past few hours have reportedly failed.

State leaders and Prime Minister Roble, who is currently meeting to resolve the election dispute, have called on politicians in the northern regions to resolve their differences and return to the conference with a united front.

However, Abdi Hashi's faction released a statement today stating that an agreement had been reached on the nomination process, but the deputy prime minister denied the allegations.

After that, Governor Abdi Hashi called the media this afternoon, but when they went to his residence to speak to him, he received a request from the leaders of Puntland and Jubbaland, according to our sources.

Ahmed Madobe and Said Deni asked Abdi Hashi not to speak to the media, warning that his remarks could escalate the issue, and called for a meeting tonight.

Abdi Hashi called for a press conference, and reporters at the scene were informed that the chairman would speak tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Roble met with Chairman Abdi Hashi today, and Roble's office announced that the meeting ended with an agreement.

"The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, HE Mohamed Hussein Roble, has concluded a memorandum of understanding with the Speaker of the Upper House of the Federal Parliament, HE Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, on election issues," a statement released by the Prime Minister's Office this afternoon said. Minister Roble.

Monday, May 24, 2021

DF announces closing date for election conference

 Somali security minister Hassan Xundubey Jimale speaking to state media announced the date for the conclusion of the National Electoral Consultative Conference.

The minister said the meeting between the leaders of the federal government, regional governments and the Benadir region will not be delayed, as a preliminary understanding has been reached on sensitive issues that have not been resolved in previous meetings.

He noted that the election talks would be closed tomorrow, May 24, and underlined the possibility of a day or two being added to the deadline, bringing the conference to an end. will be between Monday and Wednesday.

"Some things have been discussed, it has got off to a good start. The hope is that the conference will not be too late, until Monday, but it may take a day or two, ”said Minister Xundubey.

He also said that the issues to be discussed have already been agreed upon, while the issues that need to be addressed are being discussed at this time, and ruled out any security concerns.

The election conference in Mogadishu is different from previous ones, with the outgoing president absent and some regional leaders blaming him for the failure of previous conferences, and high hopes of reaching an agreement over the long-running electoral dispute are high.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Roble issues statement on first day of election conference

 The Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), Mohamed Hussein Roble, today chaired a meeting at the Aficio Tent, expressing optimism about the outcome of the Federal Government's election dispute resolution meetings.

Prime Minister Roble also thanked all the heads of state who attended today's opening of the conference which will continue in the coming days.

"The National Electoral Consultative Assembly has opened well today. I thank the Presidents of the Regional States and the Governor of Benadir Region for their participation. I wish us a successful conclusion to this important conference on the destiny of the country, ”the Prime Minister said in a statement.

The first phase of the National Consultative Conference on Electoral issues, which kicked off today, will reconvene on Sunday, with leaders set to begin discussions on the issue.

Most members of the opposition welcomed the opening of the conference in Mogadishu today, expressing optimism that it could lead to stable elections in the country.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

US State Department sends message to PM Roble

  The US State Department's Office of African Affairs has called on Somali leaders expected to attend the conference in Mogadishu to seize the opportunity and complete an election agreement.

A brief statement from the office also sent a message to Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, who is leading the talks, telling him he has the full support of the United States government.

"Somali leaders must seize this opportunity to finalize an electoral agreement that is good for their people and their country." "Prime Minister Roble has our full support," the statement said.

The text of the United States followed maalimn versions prior to its leadership in the international community to lose fursdadan looga warned.

“Somalia's friends in the international community view the forthcoming Summit of the Federal Government of Somalia - Federal Member States (DFS-DGXDF) in Mogadishu as an important opportunity that must not be missed. to promote peace and security in Somalia, ”the statement said.

HirShabelle President Ali Gudlawe is still missing in the town and is expected to arrive on Saturday, with reports that the Afrisyon conference will officially open on Sunday, May 23, 2021.

The conference is different from previous ones in that it was chaired by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, and left out the leadership of outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo who was blamed for the conference's failure.

Hopes are high that the conference will succeed with a commitment to an agreement, despite the old rivalries and political tensions created by Farmajo.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

DF and regional leaders meeting in Mogadishu postponed

 Sources in the office of the Prime Minister of Somalia Mohamed Hussein Roble confirmed to Capital Online that the meeting of the heads of the federal and regional governments that was expected to open tomorrow morning in Mogadishu has been slightly delayed.

The conference has been postponed due to technical issues and is expected to take place on Saturday, May 22nd, according to sources.

The leaders of the country's regional administrations are still out of Mogadishu and most of them are expected to arrive tomorrow, and it is possible that the conference will not take place the next day, Friday, setting for at least Saturday.

Galmudug President Ahmed Qoorqoor is the only president in the capital as he landed at Aden Adde International Airport this evening, where cabinet ministers, members of both houses of parliament and officials from the Prime Minister's Office.

The Somali people have high hopes that the conference will result in an electoral agreement with high hopes that Roble will take the lead and reject Roble's interference.

Also, caretaker Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble expressed optimism about the outcome of a conference scheduled to open in Mogadishu, which seeks to resolve electoral disputes.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Farmajo writes self-defense and attacks opposition, Jubaland and P / L

 Outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has defended himself against accusations of tyranny in a commentary in Foreign Policy, as well as attacking the opposition and the Jubaland and Puntland administrations.

"Somalia's elections have not been postponed because I want to stay in power, as some people falsely argue, but it has been delayed by a political stalemate that has divided the federal government and some member states. on how to move forward, ”said Farmajo.

He said at the heart of the dispute was that his government wanted direct elections and those who "want an indirect election that empowers politicians and denies ordinary people their votes."

"It is time for the international community to ask: Why are the Somali people being held hostage every four years by a few tribal elders and regional administration leaders," he said.

Farmajo said in June 2018 his government and regional administrations agreed to elect a person and a vote, but that did not happen after all five states withdrew from the agreement, opposing the empowerment of the people, he said. set.

He added that he was deeply disappointed by the resumption of negotiations and an indirect election process on September 17, 2020, which he accepted.

"This process collapsed shortly after the leaders of Puntland and Jubaland returned from trips in November 2020 to the United Arab Emirates and Kenya - two countries with which Somalia has no strong ties," Farmajo said.

He said it was a long process after parliament passed a law allowing the country to hold elections in one year and one vote, which he signed.

However, he said, this was the result of strong resentment by the opposition and members of the international community, which again forced his government to resign, according to the statement.

He accused the opposition of inciting violence in Mogadishu as a result of the parliament's decision. He described the violence as an opportunity for those who incited it.

He concluded by saying that another attempt would be made this month to reach an agreement on an indirect electoral system, led by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, and ensure that it becomes an inclusive electoral system. lead you to the first and most possible opportunity.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Police command orders their rights to be claimed by senior officers

 The Somali Police Force Command has appointed new commanders for the Dhusamareb Police Station in the Galmudug capital and Mataban District Police Station in the Hiran region, according to a statement from the command office.

According to the decree, the police chief of Dhusamareb has been named Major Mohamed Hassan Warsame, while the police chief of Mataban district in Hiran region has been named Dhame Nur Elmi Mohamed.

He ordered the new commanders to demand their rights, according to a decree signed by Hijar.

General Abdi Hassan Mohamed Hijar also appointed Major Mohamed Mire Mohamud, a former Dhusamareb Police Commissioner, as the new deputy police chief for Mudug region.

Hijaar instructed the Mudug Regional Police Commander to deploy the newly appointed officers as soon as possible.

He also instructed the Commander-in-Chief of the General Staff to apply for the rights of the new commanders, and specifically instructed the Finance and Logistics Leaders to carry out their duties.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Somali National Security Forces soldier brutally killed in Mogadishu

 One of the government soldiers who joined the National Security Forces who opposed the extension of the president's term was found dead in the last few hours near the Blue School in Mogadishu.

He was brutally murdered and laid to rest in a garbage dump near a Blues School.

Some relatives of the slain man, Mohamed Muqtar (Mohamed Deeqow), said they had lost their son and were told his body was in the vicinity of General Kahiye camp in Mogadishu.

Deeqow has been a member of the security forces, particularly hurricanes Unit, reports that a recent agency NISA looga called command, to return to work, as a solution has been reached tensions in disarray.

"Death is more painful than my beloved brother Mohamed Muktar Mohamed Mahamed Muqtar may God have mercy on him. You were killed by an unjust hand in the grave. May God expand your book to your right hand, may God bless you, ”said Abdirahman Muqtar Mohamed, the deceased's brother.

There is no word yet from the security officials regarding the assassination of the late Mohamed Muqtaar Mohamed Deeqow.

However, the incident comes as the opposition has previously warned against targeting soldiers and officials who opposed the two-year extension of President Farmajo's term, which he later withdrew from parliament.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Qatar urges Muse Bihi to mediate between DF and Somaliland

 New data from leaving spoke against the country two weeks ago to the President Musa Bihi and the delegation from the government of Qatar led by Special Representative of the Minister of Foreign and accepted counter-terrorism and resolve conflict Dr. Mutlaq bin Majed Al-Qahtani

Credible sources said Dr. Mutlaq told Muse Bihi Abdi that they want to have bilateral relations with Qatar and Somaliland, which are very close to the United Arab Emirates, according to the Somaliland Chronicle.

The Qatari delegation also told Somaliland that they wanted to open an office for Qatar Charity.

The statement added that the delegation shared with the President of Somaliland the intention of the Government of Qatar to be part of the international efforts to mediate between the Federal Government of Somalia and Somaliland and Somalia.

Muse Bihi Abdi reportedly briefed the Qatari delegation on Somaliland's position on the talks and its confidence in its independence issue to allow them to participate in the mediation talks anywhere, as well as to accept anyone who does so. neutral.

Muse Bihi Abdi informed the Qatari delegation that Somaliland was ready to wait until Somalia withdrew from the current political instability, sparked by the election dispute.

The other issue discussed by the Qatari delegation and the President of Somaliland was that Qatar Airways should start direct flights from Somaliland. Currently, Ethiopian Airlines is the only international airline operating direct flights to Somaliland.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Roble launches new plan in Mogadishu

 Incumbent Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has begun talks in the Somali capital Mogadishu on a conference on elections, following his return to the country yesterday.

Roble has all of the latest plan, which is expected to take place on the 20th of this month in 2021, with a decision reached looga elections.

Reliable sources have also got the prime minister said that considering descending meeting, to be different from the previous meeting, the conditions of the area failed to produce looga the basis of elections.

It has yet to be worse than the current level, according to the looga fakirayo remove obstacles that could have thwarted the negotiations in the elections.

Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble over security and administration of the elections, which began after the capital has been facing opposition.

However, the situation remains tense, with the political situation now relatively stable, following an agreement reached between the government and the opposition in Mogadishu.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What did Hassan Sheikh and Sharif discuss?

 Former Presidents Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, members of the Union of Candidates, held a private meeting in Mogadishu last night.

The two sides discussed the political situation in the country, especially the ongoing election dispute.

The meeting also discussed how to finalize the recent agreement reached between the opposition and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

The meeting also discussed preparations looga the elections on May 20 th, which looga seeking election in 2021.

Both candidates have also arranged meetings that will continue, which looga speaking, as the country would select inclusive.

The meeting was attended by members of the Federal Parliament and other party officials.

Somalia is in a state of transition, and the country's electoral process is hotly contested by the central government and members of the opposition.

Monday, May 10, 2021

The UAE stops issuing visas to Somaliland passports

 What is the reason for Somali Land's rapprochement with Qatar at a time when Arab countries, including the UAE, boycotted it? What if this was Qatar’s plan all along? What if they did so intentionally to sabotage diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates and Somaliland? What if they were looking for loopholes to finance religious fanatics in Somaliland to disrupt peace, as is the case in Somalia?

The doors of Somaliland should not open to Qatar. We all know that it is not good. It should not jeopardize its friendship with the countries it believes in. The government should refuse mediation or any talks with Somalia and Qatar because the Qatari rapprochement with Somaliland is what keeps Somaliland away from the countries. Supporting it

The President of Somaliland made a major mistake when he allowed the Qataris to come to Hargeisa, which would disrupt peace. The rapprochement with Qatar would spread support for terrorism in Somaliland, as is the case in Somalia and Al-Shabaab

The UAE government has stopped issuing visas to Somaliland after forming an alliance with Qatar, and the UAE is the only government that carries the flag of Somaliland for the benefit of the people of Somaliland, which has a political enemy.

 Since the establishment of the State of Somaliland, the United Arab Emirates was the first to support, negotiate and cooperate with the Qatari government for the benefit of the people of Somaliland and isolate the politics of their country.

The withdrawal of the UAE from Somaliland is not in its interest and will affect the state's policy, at a time when it needs support and political alliances.

 It is not in Somaliland's interest to welcome Qatar and form a political alliance with it because it isolates the country's policies, at a time when Somaliland's policy is still in its infancy and needs support.

 The Qatari government's approach to Somaliland will have an impact on Somaliland's policies and will halt international support for the country as it moves toward statehood and recognition.

 The Qatari government, as we all know, will not benefit from anything but the spread of youth in our country and the hostility of the world.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

DF announces reason for resuming contact with Kenya

 The Somali government has spoken out about the resumption of diplomatic relations with Kenya that have been strained for nearly six months, which resumed last Thursday.

Somalia's Deputy Minister of Information, Abdirahman Yusuf Al-Adala, told the BBC that the main reason for Somalia's decision to restore ties was that no other country had intervened.

"The agreement was based on the principle that no country should interfere, that respect should be respected, that each country should not take any action that would jeopardize its independence, and that all internal affairs of Somalia belong to it and will not be compromised. "She knew it would not happen," al-Adala said.

Relations between the two countries have also deteriorated following a renewed dispute over ownership of parts of Somalia's maritime border, which is said to contain valuable natural resources.

Restoring relations between the two countries was facilitated by Qatar, which owns a stake in the Italian company ENI, which bought parts of Somalia's claimed oil fields in Kenya, raising serious doubts about the two countries' plans for an agreement. out of court.

But al-Adala said restoring relations would not affect the maritime case.

"It will not affect it, because it is not a matter of diplomatic relations between the two countries, it was a matter that existed before the suspension of diplomatic relations, and now that relations have returned, it will continue. It is a matter for the court and not for political reasons, ”he said.

Somalia has since cut ties with Kenya and accused Kenya of meddling in the country's internal affairs, and it is unclear whether Kenya has made any changes since then.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

DF says action by the international community will force immediate elections

 Foreign Minister of the post-Cabdrisaaq Mohamed said the federal government will speed up the holding of elections in order to prevent instability looga fight to convince donor countries to release funds from the government stopped.

Mohamed Abdirizak told Bloomberg in the United States that the money was urgently needed to pay the salaries of government employees and security forces.

The federal government is heavily dependent on donor rhetoric, with domestic revenue accounting for less than half of the government's annual budget.

It has received only half of the milyan 100 million or $ 120 million this year, which the EU has pledged to support each year for three years, with the rest suspended.

The government has warned of the risk of rising instability if the budget gap is not filled and it is unable to pay its wages.

"If the government is not able to continue to pay the salaries of civil servants, and especially the security forces, this could do great damage," Mohamed Abdirizak said. "We are currently in talks to release the money."

The EU has not responded to an email to Bloomberg.

Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble is expected to hold talks with regional leaders on May 20th, when an agreement will be reached on when the elections will take place.

"They could happen within 90 days, when the deadline expires," said the acting foreign minister.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Sheikh Sharif issues new statement following yesterday's agreement in Mogadishu

 Former Somali president Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has spoken about the agreement reached yesterday in Mogadishu that will lead to the withdrawal of troops from Mursal and Farmajo.

Sharif has called for a deal to hold hands as looga overcome the challenges of transition, with everything provided after uheshiin, consensus and compromise.

Read below the statement issued by President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.

I welcome the agreement reached on the violence that resulted from the illegal extension, adding that the armed forces of the heroes should never be politicized and return to their bases.

I also commend the efforts of the Prime Minister in the caretaker government, and look forward to reaching an agreement on the elections based on the September 17 agreement.

We return again to hold hands together as looga pass the stage of the transition, with everything provided after uheshiin, consensus and compromise.

I thank the committees that worked on the agreement and the officers who saved the country, the member states of the central government, as well as the international partners who took the time to return to the agreement on 17 September 2020.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Farmajo is stalling the elections, and Somalia's problems are getting worse

  The outgoing president, Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo, after many events that occurred in Somalia and after the wars and devastation that is occurring, decided to withdraw the decision to extend the extension that had been made, but so far he has not taken any new step in holding elections.

At these times, Somalia suffers from many problems such as the problem of poverty and the problem of devastation and devastation spread by Al-Shabaab movement that Somalia suffers from. Al-Shabaab movement is working to destroy and spread terror and panic in the people, and Farmajo did not take any position against them.

This is, however, that Somalia has not improved its international relationship with other countries, as the presence of Farmajo is a problem for Somalia, and most countries have expressed their complete rejection of the existence of Farmajo, but he refuses to hand over power and is waiting for support from the countries that support him, such as Turkey and Qatar, in order to remain in power for a longer period.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Farmajo's procrastination and his adherence to the rule will lead to the return of ISIS

 Many fears and doubts about Farmajo's commitment to return to the decision to extend the extension and conduct negotiations. Previously, Farmajo's motives were preceded by his unwillingness to make any concessions to the political opposition and not yielding to its demands that would lose most of his political powers as he is delaying gaining more time and has not yet hand over power

The real reason behind the collapse of negotiations before is the procrastination and intransigence of Farmajo regarding solutions that require concessions within the framework of the constitution. Will Farmajo make concessions this time, or is it an attempt to absorb the anger of the Somali people and the opposition?

Saint Cheese and an illegal mandate to cause a rift between the armed forces, in which the independence of some government loyalists and opposed the continuation of the illegal cowardice, a different town could cause a civil war.

It is doubtful that Farmajo wants to hold free and fair elections in Somalia, he said when he abandoned the illegal extension that was rejected by the Somali people.

 Farmajo's call to return to dialogue and elections appears to be a setback and a diplomatic move to deceive the Somali people and consolidate Farmajo's rule.

 Meanwhile, the Turkish government is interfering in the Somali elections with the intention of hijacking and producing its cheese agenda, a corruption issue that will lead to civil war and destruction in Somalia.

 Farmajo is backed by the Turkish government with military and financial support, as they hope Farmajo will be a gateway to Somalia's natural resources.

 Al-Shabab terrorists also support Farmajo and his corrupt policies because they have special interests, and this is where the country will not wake up and the elections will not take place.

The Qatari government has given up hope of remaining in a new alliance with Somaliland

  A Qatari envoy was warmly welcomed in Hargeisa, where he met with Somaliland Deputy Foreign Minister Liban Yusuf Osman, and then Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi.

It was discussed at the meeting that the two sides should have a political relationship and cooperation and that Qatar should have an official diplomatic office here (Somaliland).

Political analysts believe that Qatar's move means building a reputation in all regions of Somalia and that Farmajo's days in power in Somalia are coming to an end, so that he can deal with any successor.

Qatar has long been involved in destructive acts of violence, corruption and aid to Somalia, and is now persuading Somaliland to do the same.

Qatar's political alliance with the breakaway Somaliland administration seeks to relocate the crisis in Mogadishu to Somaliland.

It was not enough for the Qatari government to inflame the conflict in Somalia, and it began to interfere in Somaliland politics.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Farmajo's call for a return to dialogue and elections is a setback and he is looking forward to extending his term.

  Farmajo's call for a return to dialogue and elections is a setback and a diplomatic move to deceive the Somali people, prolonging Farmajo's rule.

The Turkish government is clearly interfering in the political affairs of Somalia by supporting Farmajo as he is the looters and the path to our country's resources.

It has interfered in somalia's elections to facilitate the return of the outgoing president.

Alshabab terrorists also support Farmajo and his corrupt policies as they have vested interests, and this is where the country will not wake up and elections will not take place.

Meanwhile, the divided forces, some of which have joined the opposition after failing to withstand the oppression and looting of the country, could lead to a civil war that would take Somalia back to its sad days.

Therefore, the Somali people must unite against their enemies and prevent foreign governments from leading their country to ruin and chaos.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Lawmakers present ‘indications that security will not be transferred’ Roble

 Lawmakers Abdirahman Odowa and Mahad Salad, who attended today's speech to outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, expressed skepticism about some of Farmajo's remarks, particularly on election security.

The two lawmakers said there were indications that the country's security was not yet in Roble's hands.

Lawmaker Odowa said the outgoing president was required to hand over security to the entire country, but not just election security.

"The outgoing president should know that he has divided the national army, and he can no longer be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He said he has handed over the security of the election. He is required to hand over the security of the country. They can accept him to remain the commander-in-chief, ”said MP Odawa who addressed the media at the end of today's parliamentary session.

MP Abdirahman Odowa also said that the president must write a letter stating that he has handed over the security of the country and the election, in order to return to the Afisyon Tent.

Abdirahman Odowa finally called on the troops who refused the extension not to be fooled by Farmajo's soft words in his speech to the House of Representatives, noting that such soft words are needed at the negotiating table.

Meanwhile, lawmaker Mahad Salad, who is on the front lines of the military's opposition to Farmajo's extension, posted on his Facebook page that he doubted the outgoing president had handed over security to Prime Minister Roble.

Mahad Salad warned that the outgoing president's remarks should not be ignored while under the command of Odowa Force Commander, Hijaar Police Commander and National Security Agency Commander Fahad Yassin.

"Farmajo did not hand over the security of the country to Prime Minister Roble. Therefore, Farmajo, who is still under the command of Odowa, Hijar and Fahad, cannot hold elections in this country, let alone end it, ”said Mahad Salad.

The statement from the two lawmakers comes as outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo announced today that he has handed over the administration and security of the election to Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, and is ready to rescind the agreement on September 17th. without any conditions.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Turkey's ambitions in Somalia and its support for Farmajo will lead to a civil war inside Somalia

 The Horn of Africa is the way to East Africa, where the Turkish ambition to seize African wealth and Erdogan's support for the current Somali government despite its illegality comes within the framework of the Turkish regime’s endeavor to establish followers in power and rule in many countries to achieve its alleged ambition of the Ottoman Caliphate.

Farmajo enabled Turkey to control the joints of the Somali state, and therefore it strives to ensure the continuity of this control, which it will not achieve with a president other than Farmajo, as it provides Farmajo with military shipments that include thousands of rifles and hundreds of thousands of bullets to use against the opposition to preserve his position

It is important to ask ourselves why does Turkey support Farmajo and the potential consequences, and what is the impact on our country?
Turkey has supported Farmajo in recent years with weapons, military training and the implementation of a failed dictatorship, and Erdogan is still interfering in politics and elections in our country.

 It is clear and unequivocal that the weapons and ammunition attached to the Somali and Turkish people in our country will lead to a bad policy that will lead to discord and civil war that will erupt between the Somali people.

 The greed of the Turkish government in Somalia forced him to support Farmajo as a scapegoat for our land resources.

 The Turkish government's support for Somalia, especially during the elections and the transitional period, is not free or fraternal, but rather a desire for the wealth of Somalia and its strategic lands.