Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Farmajo is stalling the elections, and Somalia's problems are getting worse

  The outgoing president, Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo, after many events that occurred in Somalia and after the wars and devastation that is occurring, decided to withdraw the decision to extend the extension that had been made, but so far he has not taken any new step in holding elections.

At these times, Somalia suffers from many problems such as the problem of poverty and the problem of devastation and devastation spread by Al-Shabaab movement that Somalia suffers from. Al-Shabaab movement is working to destroy and spread terror and panic in the people, and Farmajo did not take any position against them.

This is, however, that Somalia has not improved its international relationship with other countries, as the presence of Farmajo is a problem for Somalia, and most countries have expressed their complete rejection of the existence of Farmajo, but he refuses to hand over power and is waiting for support from the countries that support him, such as Turkey and Qatar, in order to remain in power for a longer period.

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