Monday, May 31, 2021

Muse Bihi Coalition Formed With Qatar And Its Consequences

 Somaliland has been proud of its foreign policy and is self-sufficient, but in recent days it has been revealed that it has formed an alliance with Qatar, a plan that Muse Bihi has a vested interest in and not for the benefit of the Somaliland people.

This alliance is likely to be counterproductive and undermine the development and democratization of Somaliland.

It is unfortunate and disgraceful for the people of Somaliland that Muse Bihi has chosen the honor and trust that has been entrusted to him for a small financial risk.

This self-interested relationship could cause the UAE, which has really supported Somaliland, to give up and not recognize at a time when Somaliland needs a political ally.

It could also damage Somaliland's relations with the world as Qatar has been repeatedly accused of being a haven for terrorists.

Finally, I call on the people of Somaliland not to accept the crisis and the impending future and to set an example of the tragedy and bombings that Somalia is carrying out.

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