Next demonstrations are to take all of our rights - Dream Smart


Thursday, December 31, 2020

Next demonstrations are to take all of our rights

 Peaceful demonstrations next Thursday and Friday against the postponement of the elections

Mogadishu (sh.M.Network) the mayor of Mogadishu Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys has strongly condemned today's suicide attack in Mogadishu.

Large demonstrations against the federal government leadership are scheduled to take place in Mogadishu on Thursday and Friday.
The protests are said to be organized by angry citizens who have accused the current president of not wanting to run in the elections.

Specifically, according to the information we have received, the planned demonstrations are being pushed back by the members of the candidates' union council, which is made up of the most influential candidates in the political arena.

Sources close to the protesters say the protests will take place in several places in Makkah al-Mukarama in the capital Mogadishu. demonstrations on Thursday and next Friday to have a chance to confront these unsuspecting civilians.

It was also reported that if the protests take place as planned, they will be the beginning of a series of demonstrations that will take place in Mogadishu in the coming days.

The protests were said to be in defiance of President Farmajo's plan to hold a unilateral election in his country and to postpone the country's elections to the disputed Farmajo-run commission.

The youths are making efforts to get the people of the 17 districts of Benadir region to gather to take part in the demonstrations that are planned to take place in Mogadishu.

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