Illegal approve from the parliament - Dream Smart


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Illegal approve from the parliament

The outgoing parliament approved the 2021 budget without the power to approve it

The outgoing parliament has signed the new 2021 budget and the approval of the government's budget raises many questions about the extent to which it is really serving the country or Farmajo's personal interests.

On December 29 last year, a similar meeting announced the approval of the Government's 2020 Budget but no closing accounts were made.

The Somali parliament has no endorsement as its leaders come to nominate the president of Somalia and no one knows where the money goes from the government and it is the only institution whose budget is approved by the president and speaker Mursal Muse the parliament has signed the 2021 budget. will operate in government.

However, the National Audit Office (NAO) said in a recent 2019 report that remittances from Mogadishu Port go to government accounts without sufficient evidence, which is against the law.

Asked about the power of any parliament that has expired to approve the government's budget Farmajo's plan became popular with any decision taken, as the election should not be postponed for him, the parliament would dissolve to approve the budget. the new parliament.

The current parliament considers all its powers to have ceased from the date it was suspended. closed the postponement of the elections and the existence of Farmajo.


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