Sunday, March 31, 2024

Details of Al-Shabaab attack on Xinlabi area.


Al-Shabaab attack

Details of Al-Shabaab attack on Xinlabi area.

More information is coming out of the attack by members of al-Shabaab group earlier today in Xinlabi area of Mudug region.

Speaking to the national media, Xinlabi district chairman Farhaan Dahir Ali said that the government forces defended themselves against an attack by the group on the area.

"The khawaja ambush carried out by the army who are ready for it has knelt down and we have defeated the attack they have carried out, and we have not suffered any losses in the area. The situation is good and now there is no burden and we have defeated the enemy again," said the chairman of Xinlabi district in Mudug region Farhaan Dahir Ali.

Al-Shabaab group sometimes carries out both explosive and direct attacks in areas and municipalities in Mudug and Galgaduud regions.

At the beginning of this month, the government forces and the public defenders seized important areas in the southern Mudug region, namely Ba'adweyn, Aad, Amara and Shabellow, and were recaptured by Al-Shabaab.

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