Sunday, March 31, 2024

Details of Al-Shabaab attack on Xinlabi area.


Al-Shabaab attack

Details of Al-Shabaab attack on Xinlabi area.

More information is coming out of the attack by members of al-Shabaab group earlier today in Xinlabi area of Mudug region.

Speaking to the national media, Xinlabi district chairman Farhaan Dahir Ali said that the government forces defended themselves against an attack by the group on the area.

"The khawaja ambush carried out by the army who are ready for it has knelt down and we have defeated the attack they have carried out, and we have not suffered any losses in the area. The situation is good and now there is no burden and we have defeated the enemy again," said the chairman of Xinlabi district in Mudug region Farhaan Dahir Ali.

Al-Shabaab group sometimes carries out both explosive and direct attacks in areas and municipalities in Mudug and Galgaduud regions.

At the beginning of this month, the government forces and the public defenders seized important areas in the southern Mudug region, namely Ba'adweyn, Aad, Amara and Shabellow, and were recaptured by Al-Shabaab.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Al-Shabaab resurgence in Somalia as state elections approach.

Al-Shabaab resurgence in Somalia

Al-Shabaab resurgence in Somalia as state elections approach

 With the Somali state presidential elections scheduled between June and November 2024, candidates have launched campaigns in Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubaland, and Southwest states. Incumbents' potential re-election bids stir unrest among local politicians and clan leaders, particularly in Galmudug and Hirshabelle. The strife is fragmenting the coalition against al-Shabaab, enabling the militants to regain footholds in Galmudug. Concurrently, security forces in Lower Juba have initiated a new offensive against al-Shabaab, recapturing territories in March.

Galmudug and Hirshabelle Face Electoral and Political Challenges

The Galmudug administration's delay in announcing election dates has led to criticism, mainly targeting State President Ahmed Abdi Karie for aggravating clan conflicts. In Hirshabelle, government reshuffles and clan tensions are mounting, especially after the dismissal of Hiiraan's governor, which threatened the region's stability. The political tensions complicate the upcoming elections, risking further instability and potential secessionist movements in Hiiraan.

Al-Shabaab Exploits Security Weaknesses

Amid these political tensions, the Somali National Army (SNA) has encountered setbacks, allowing al-Shabaab to reclaim territories. Operational delays, internal disputes, and logistical issues have hampered the SNA, facilitating al-Shabaab's resurgence in key areas of Mudug and Galgaduud. The group has also successfully engaged with local militias, undermining the SNA's efforts.

Renewed Counter-Insurgency Operations in Lower Juba

Despite central Somalia's challenges, the security forces have initiated a robust counter-insurgency campaign in Lower Juba, targeting al-Shabaab with support from U.S. military forces. These operations have led to significant militant casualties and the dismantling of key bases, demonstrating a sustained commitment to eradicating al-Shabaab's presence.


Thursday, March 28, 2024

More than 80 al-Shabaab members killed in military operations in 3 provinces


military operations

More than 80 al-Shabaab members killed in military operations in 3 provinces

The Somali government said more than 80 Shabaab militants were killed in operations in Mudug, Central Shabelle and Bakool regions.

In the first operation, which was coordinated by the government forces and the local forces in the Ba'ad Farah Adan area of Harardere district, the government said, killed 40 Shabaab leaders and fighters.

The Somali government said that Al-Shabaab killed there were those who were gathering and wanted to attack the town of Harardere, which was liberated from Alshabab's control a year and a half ago.

In the second operation, which took place in the Fiaay area, about 15km from the Daru-Nicma area of the Central Shabelle region, the government said that more than 35 Shabaab fighters were killed, and the operation was coordinated by the government forces and international partners.

The government pointed out that the operation also destroyed military vehicles and military equipment belonging to the Shabaab who attacked Daru-Nicma.

Operation Three, six Shabaab members were killed and three others were wounded. This operation was centered on Shabaab militants in areas under Wajid district in Bakool region.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Somali army attacks al-Shabaab stronghold in Mudug region

somali army

Somali army attacks al-Shabaab stronghold in Mudug region

The Somali Armed Forces, residents and the administration of Harardere district in cooperation attacked Al-shabab near the city of Haratiri in central Mudug provinc.

The mayor of Harardere district, Mohamed Yusuf, who himself took part in the fighting, said that they attacked Al-shabab from several directions, and that they killed many Shabaab members, including foreigners, and the fighting lasted for several consecutive hours, confirming that they are now in the areas where the fighting took place.

The governor said there were soldiers in the government forces who died in the operation, He pointed out that the two armies clashed hands when the fire ended.

The head of Haratiri called on the Galmudug regional administration and the Somali federal government to continue supporting the armed forces and their allies in operations against al-Shabaab, offered condolences to the families of soldiers who died in the fighting, but did not disclose their number, and hoped for a speedy recovery for the injured.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Al-Shabaab launches explosive attack in Daronika region.

Al-Shabaab launches explosive attack in Daronika region

News from the central Shabelle region says that Al-Shabaab group carried out a heavy attack early this morning in the Daarunicma area of that region.

Al-Shabaab's attack on the Daarunicma area began with heavy explosions, followed by face-to-face fighting between the group and government forces in the region, the fighting there between the government forces and Alshabab was intense and both sides used different kinds of weapons.

It is reported that the fighting that took place early in the morning has resulted in casualties on both sides, but it has not yet been officially confirmed.

Al-Shabaab militants who carried out the attack in the Darunima area claimed victories in the attack they carried out in the early morning hours of the morning, saying that the government forces inflicted heavy losses in the area.

There is no news yet from the Somali government regarding the losses caused by the attack on the government forces in Darunima in the central Shabelle region.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Al-Shabaab attacks ATMIS camp in Barawe region.

Al-Shabaab attacks ATMIS camp in Barawe region

Various reports are emerging about the losses caused by an attack carried out last night by Al-Shabaab militia on an ATMIS military base on the outskirts of Barawe in the Lower Shabelle region.

The attack was followed by direct fighting between ATMIS forces, especially Ugandan residents of the camp and Al-Shabaab members who attacked the government.
Some of the residents told that they heard the sound of gunfire and heavy weapons exchanged between the two sides during the fighting.

ATMIS forces reportedly resisted the attack, and al-Shabaab militia that targeted the gas station finally retreated.
The group, which reported on the fighting, said in their social media that it attacked a Ugandan army base and suffered losses, although they did not disclose official figures.

All ATMIS forces in cooperation with the National Army conducted operations after the fighting to capture the attackers in Barawe area.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Somalia announces arrest of 16 accused of involvement in attack on SYL hotel in Mogadishu

Somalia announces arrest of 16 accused of involvement in attack on SYL hotel in Mogadishu

 16 suspects arrested in the SYL Hotel terror attack in Mogadishu by Somali security services Among them was Abdel Nasser Taher Nour, who was identified as the main facilitator of the attack.

The National Intelligence and Security Agency confirmed the arrest of four individuals believed to be the owners of the vehicles used in the attack, adding that five security personnel who were on duty at the checkpoint through which the attackers crossed were being investigated.

The authorities pledged to publish comprehensive evidence identifying the plot of the Kharijites network and the investigative measures taken, and to bring those arrested along with the other defendants before court for trial.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Two soldiers killed in explosion in Lower Shabelle province

explosion in lower shabelle

Two soldiers killed in explosion in Lower Shabelle province.

 Two Somali soldiers have been killed in an explosion in the town of Qariole in the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia's southwestern state.

s base of the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) soldiers, killing two soldiers and wounding a number of security officials, including regional police commissioner Abdi Waal and former intelligence chief Abdikarim Addo.


Uganda's People's Defence Forces (UPDF) and Somali government forces have controlled the city, about 120km northwest of Mogadishu, since 2014 after it was liberated from al-Shabaab.