Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Al-Shabaab launches explosive attack in Daronika region.

Al-Shabaab launches explosive attack in Daronika region

News from the central Shabelle region says that Al-Shabaab group carried out a heavy attack early this morning in the Daarunicma area of that region.

Al-Shabaab's attack on the Daarunicma area began with heavy explosions, followed by face-to-face fighting between the group and government forces in the region, the fighting there between the government forces and Alshabab was intense and both sides used different kinds of weapons.

It is reported that the fighting that took place early in the morning has resulted in casualties on both sides, but it has not yet been officially confirmed.

Al-Shabaab militants who carried out the attack in the Darunima area claimed victories in the attack they carried out in the early morning hours of the morning, saying that the government forces inflicted heavy losses in the area.

There is no news yet from the Somali government regarding the losses caused by the attack on the government forces in Darunima in the central Shabelle region.

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