The Somali government and the African Union Mission pledge to intensify operations against Al-Shabaab - Dream Smart


Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Somali government and the African Union Mission pledge to intensify operations against Al-Shabaab

The Somali government and the African Union Mission pledge to intensify operations against Al-Shabaab

 The Somali government and the African Union Transitional Mission pledged
The Somali government and the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia pledged to intensify military operations to expel Al-Shabaab militants after lifting the arms embargo that the United Nations had imposed on Somalia for 31 years.
The African Union Special Representative in Somalia and Head of Mission said
The African Union Special Representative in Somalia and Head of Mission, Mohamed El Amin Suef, and the Somali Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Dawud Aweys, said in a joint statement that lifting the embargo will give a new opportunity to fight Al-Shabaab and other armed groups in the country.
Soueif said that the arms embargo would be lifted by the United Nations Security Council
Soueif said that the lifting of the arms embargo by the UN Security Council represents an important moment in the development of security in Somalia and serves as a catalyst for the continued transfer of security responsibilities from the African Mission to the Somali security forces.
The Somali Minister of Information, for his part, indicated that the ban had been lifted
For his part, the Somali Minister of Information indicated that lifting the embargo will enable Somalia to build and modernize its armed forces and enhance its ability to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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