The Security Council extends the arms embargo imposed on Somalia - Dream Smart


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Security Council extends the arms embargo imposed on Somalia

The Security Council extends the arms embargo imposed on Somalia

The UN Security Council extended the arms embargo on Somalia
The UN Security Council extended the arms embargo imposed on Somalia until the end of this year, at its 9477th session, held on November 15, 2023.

Speaking about the events in Somalia
The Security Council said that the situation in Somalia continues to constitute a threat to international security, and the Council renewed the work of the Committee of Experts charged with monitoring the sanctions imposed on Somalia, until December 31, 2023.

The Somali government had already asked the Security 

Council Lifting the arms embargo, stating that it needs to obtain weapons to fight Al-Shabaab.Since 1992, the UN Security Council has been imposing an arms embargo on Somalia in accordance with Resolution No. 733, although successive Somali governments have been demanding the lifting of that embargo, which they said constitutes an obstacle to rebuilding the Somali armed forces.

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