Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The federal government of Somalia has issued a new warning against the Al-Shabaab group and individuals dealing with this group.


 The Deputy Minister of Information of the Somali Government Abdirahman Yusuf (Al-Adalah) has issued a new warning regarding the war between the government and Al-Shabaab al-Adalah and warned the Somali community not to engage in any kind of dealings with the group. 

 As they show more attention to their attacks, the minister also announced that severe punishment will be applied to anyone who is found to be a member of the Al-Shabaab group or a supporter of it.  The government is determined to severely punish any Khawarij and Khawarij nurses, so we should all be alert to their intrigues and stay away from any kind of relationship with them. 

 The statement of the Deputy Minister of Information of Somalia comes after yesterday the military court executed three men, two of them were found to be working with al-Shabaab and the killer doctor Mohamed Abdi Nur Jirow (Doctor Fanax).  The federal government of Somalia has already warned Somali citizens to avoid any action that may help al-Shabaab, especially in relation to money laundering and terrorist financing. moved around areas that had been in their hands for many years

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