Somalia: WASH Cluster Drought Update (As of 10 January 2023). - Dream Smart


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Somalia: WASH Cluster Drought Update (As of 10 January 2023).


 Somalia is experiencing a historic drought following several consecutive of below-average rainy seasons that have led to widespread water shortages. The current drought is anticipated to intensify in the coming months as no rains foreseen until the coming Gu rainy season (March to June 2023). In addition, persistent conflict and rising trend of AWD/Cholera are further exacerbating the WASH needs across the country. The overall risk of outbreak of diseases in the drought affected areas is very high and could be worsened due to protracted water crisis. With lack of safe and adequate water, drought induced IDPs living in crowded and unsanitary conditions in temporary shelters are at higher risk of WASH related diseases.

WASH is one of the two main drivers of humanitarian needs across Somalia with important regional variations. In 2022, the WASH Cluster targeted 5.2M people to reach with life-saving WASH assistance to reduce acute needs among most vulnerable settlements and communities. However, since December 2022, 3.3M people were reached with hygiene supplies and hygiene promotion activities. While 2.3M people were also received water through temporary water supply (such as water trucking, access water through vouchers and household water treatment). WASH partners have also enabled 686K people with sanitation services and supported 1.8M people with sustained water supply (such as rehabilitation and construction boreholes and shallow wells).

Despite the dire situation in the country following several consecutive below-average rainy seasons (2020 Deyr and 2021 Gu, 2021 Deyr, 2022 Gu and 2022 Deyr rains), partners on the ground are responding but the extremely low funding is hampering their capacity to respond the need of the populations.

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