The Somali government will make a new big war to control al-Shabaab and put an end to this mess that al-Shabaab doing in the last few months . - Dream Smart


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Somali government will make a new big war to control al-Shabaab and put an end to this mess that al-Shabaab doing in the last few months .


 Al-Shabaab terrorist groups have said that they have not entered into talks with the Somali government and are ready for war to separate them. The fragmented terrorist group, on the other hand, according to local news sources, has exploded among the terrorist group al-Shabaab.  A fight between two factions of the group, a faction led by Mahad Karatay, and the faction of the leader of the group, Ahmed Diriye Abu-Ubaida, has a strong suspicion that the al-Shabaab terrorist group has intervened.

One community such as Farhan, Qorgaq and Nadir and the son of Dahir Aweys, who were killed by Karate, the men of the same group rebelled and fought with the security guards of Ahmed Diriye, who is the most Karate community, and died in that fight. Ahmed Diiriye's specialty  In the search for al-Shabaab, the government forces took advantage of the Al-Shabaab group in the last three months, and they regained lands that were controlled by the Al-Shabaab group for a long time.

 and in 2006, they killed tens of thousands of civilians in the war with the central government of Somalia, which was supported by the world to defeat al-Shabaab and remove it from the country so that the people could live in security.  The Somali government has also said that it has blocked al-Shabaab's remittance and bank accounts in the country. and combating radical ideas

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