Monday, October 10, 2022

Ranked! The 100 best football players of all time.



When a manager has to choose between two excellent players in the same position, the Big Book of Football Cliches says we must always refer to this "selection headache" as a "good problem to have".

Having weeks trying to narrow down every male footballer ever into a list of 100, we at FourFourTwo now realize just what nonsense that is. Selection becomes near-impossible conundrum as you realize just how many outstanding footballers there have been, across continents and across decades.

Frankly, we could do another list of 100 great players not to even make the cut. But in the end, we're had to pick the players we feel were the most influential in their particular era, the most memorable, the players who awed us with their talent and their achievements. In short, the 100 greatest footballers ever. Feel free to let us know your thoughts

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