Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Mukhtar Robow chosen as a minister in the new government to end all religious affairs .

Mukhtar Robow

 Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Ali "Abu Mansoor" who defected from Al-Shabaab has become a member of the new government of Somalia announced by Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Berri.  Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, who has been imprisoned in Mogadishu since December 2018 but has been released, has been appointed as the Minister of Religion and Endowments. 

 Robow was arrested by the previous government led by Farmaajo when he was preparing to run for the presidency of his South West administration where he comes from.  He has been in prison for the past few years without any charges being brought against him, although many times politicians and other people have called for him to be brought to court or given his freedom. 

 Robow was the second leader of Al-Shabaab, but in 2013 he defected and surrendered to the Federal Government of Somalia.  In 2018, he tried to enter the political arena, but the previous government prevented him from doing so. However, he has now become part of the current federal government.

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