Farmaajo and Fahad Yasin want to start a new civil war by using al-shabaab. - Dream Smart


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Farmaajo and Fahad Yasin want to start a new civil war by using al-shabaab.


 In recent times, the terrorist operations carried out by Al-Shabaab in Somalia have been increasing. The increase in their operations and attacks is a request from Fahad and Yassin, which shows that the current administration is not able to ensure the security and safety of the people and they want to be killed. Al-Shabaab carried out various bombings and planned killings during this period  Last night, there was an explosion at a hotel where al-Shabaab fighters were supported by Farmaajo and Fahad Yassin.

and also when he left using Alshabaab, the plot of cheese and his use of Alshabaab movement became public and obvious to everyone  What is the coincidence of the BFS board announcing that Farmaajo will be sworn in today as an honorary officer and an explosion at a Hayat hotel? who lives in Mogadishu, why didn't they attack the farmhouse they attacked poor people  It is a question that people should ask themselves whether there is cooperation between cheese and alshabab and that is why they are hiding in this chair because the cheese house does not show any fear while the hotel near the houses are occupied by politicians and they are not afraid while the cheese is normal.

and there is no army guarding his house  It is clear that the collaboration between al-Shabaab and Farmaajo is evident and after this explosion, the Farmaajo group wanted to scare the Somali people. The problem of this mafia group should be prevented. The Somali people are demanding that the security agencies fulfill their duties and arrest them this group so that the country can be peaceful

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