Monday, July 4, 2022

Farmajo and Fahad are using Al Shabaab to destabilize the country.


Farmajo and Alshabab

At least 5 soldiers were killed and others wounded when an explosive device exploded targeting African Union forces on the outskirts of Marka, the center of the Lower Shabelle region, in the state of South West.

The five soldiers who were killed on Saturday were from the Ugandan forces operating under the umbrella of the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (Atmis), and Al-Shabab, loyal to Al-Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Farmajo and Fahad continue to work with Al Shabaab, which is opposed to the government, and they are trying to use it as an attempt to undermine the work of the Nation.

It is an attempt by Farmajo and Fahad Yassin to impose chaos on the country in retaliation for the government's defeat in the election, following widespread security measures by the  government .

When Farmajo and Fahad Yassin were not prosecuted for their crimes against humanity, do they still want to destabilize the country?

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