Friday, April 15, 2022

Somali Prime Minister Roble is determined to bring the country out of this security and electoral crisis


 Prime Minister Roble is fulfilling his mandate as he strives to complete the country's elections, restore security and institutions while working to complete the elections in Somalia.

He has put in a lot of effort and time to get the parliamentarians elected and he has finally succeeded in fulfilling their oath of office.

The Federal Electoral Implementation Team [FEIT] has also relocated from Jubbaland to Garbaharey to Ceel-waaq, according to a recent letter from the GHDHF.

The commission said it was necessary to elect 16 seats before the parliamentary and presidential elections, and said there was a security challenge in Garbaharey.

The Prime Minister, Mohamed Hussein Roble, welcomed the decision, considering the right to represent the people of Gedo Region and the importance of completing the elections.

The Prime Minister called on the Jubaland Electoral Commission [SEIT] and the Jubaland State Government to complete the remaining seats as soon as possible, so that there are no further disruptions.

Somali Prime Minister Roble is determined to complete the election to end the country's security and electoral crisis.

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