Thursday, April 14, 2022

A solution has been reached and the KGS MPs are heading to Mogadishu


 Attempts by Farmajo and Fahad Yassin to use Laftagareen to disrupt the country's electoral process to prevent lawmakers from being sworn in on time have failed.

The Federal Electoral Commission [FEIT] last night released the seats HOP204 and HPP103, which had previously been suspended, while an agreement was reached on the seat HOP154, and it was decided to re-run the election.

Members of the FEIT Committee, who arrived in Baidoa yesterday, announced the decision, following a proposal by opposition lawmakers who recently visited the city, who presented the plan to Abdiaziz Laftagareen, who also expressed no interest. 

The HOP103 seat was occupied by the former Speaker of the House of the People, Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari, who was looted in Baidoa by Mohamed Ali Hassan, while HOP204, was looted by Isaq Ali Subag, and was rejected by the Minister of Defense, Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur (Jama).

South West MPs, heading to Mogadishu, will receive the FEIT Committee Certificate, before taking part in the swearing-in of the 11th JFS Parliament, which will take place today at the Afasio Tent.

The move marks the end of a long-running plan by Farmajo and his faction not to swear in lawmakers while the FEIT committee seeks a solution to Fahad Yassin's HOP086 seat in Beledweyne.

After the swearing-in, the parliamentary session is officially convened, so that the oldest person can be elected as the interim Speaker, then preparations for the election of the Speaker of the House, and the formation of the House of Representatives will be formed.

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