Monday, March 28, 2022

What is the agreement signed between the Governments of Qatar and Somalia?

Qatar and somalia

The governments of Qatar and Somalia have signed a memorandum of understanding on education.

A press release issued by the Somali Government reads as follows;

Somalia, Qatar sign Memorandum of Understanding on Education

Doha, March 27, 2022 - The Minister of State for Education, Culture and Higher Education, HE Abdirahman Mohamed Abdulle, in Doha, Qatar to attend the Doha Forum Conference, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with to strengthen educational cooperation between the Governments of Somalia and Qatar signed with Qatar Fund.

They said the MoU would support the education of Somali children who do not have access to schooling, as well as improve the quality of education in the country and combat the level of ignorance in Somali society.

The signing ceremony was also attended by the Somali Ambassador to Qatar HE Abdirizak Farah Ali Taano, the Adviser to the Minister of Education HE Said Jama Guled and other officials from the Federal Government of Somalia.

The question that needs to be asked is what happened to this agreement during the election period? After all, Qatar is Farmajo's first friend in 5 years in the country. Why didn't they make this deal before?

This agreement is a forgery and aims to financially support Farmajo & Fahad during the election.

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