Monday, March 28, 2022

Qatar supports Al-Shabaab terrorists and Farmajo spoilers

Qatar, farmajo and Alshabab

Based on several international documents and reports, including the U.S. Treasury statements, it is proved that Somalia is the worst country suffers Qatar-backed terrorism in Africa. Since Qatari Emir Tamil bin Hamad AL Thani assumed power in 2013, Doha has sought to extend its influence in Horn Africa, particularly in Somalia.

Qatar has helped extremists gain influence in Somalia.

A leaked document on Wikileaks revealed that former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice asked Turkey in 2009  to place pressure on Qatar to stop funding militant group of Al-Al-Shabaab al-Mujahidin Movement. Other U.S. security reports proved in July 2007 that Qatar was terrorism financier.

In order to preserve the existence of the Somali government and society, Qatar has invested in education, health, infrastructure, and local governance to easily unite with the Somali government until it is taken over by the government.

Similarly, Qatar-funded al-Shabaab has forced Somali families, especially rural ones, to transfer their children to military training, according to a January 2018 report by Human Rights Watch.

Politically, the capture of Doha in Mogadishu came to light when the Somali government demanded Qatar's role in Somali national reconciliation in May 2017.

Qatar, meanwhile, is providing financial, weapons and training support to al-Shabab to help Farmajo disrupt security.

to return to villa somalia Farmaajo fulfilling their interests.


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