Thursday, March 10, 2022

Farmajo is using HirShabelle Vice President Yusuf Ahmed Hagar (Dabageed) to prevent the return of the most prominent politicians in Beledweyne to Parliament.

Babageed iyo Farmaajo
HirShabelle President Ali Gudlawe, Farmajo and his faction prevented him from traveling to Johwar, after Gudlawe recently vehemently opposed a plan by Farmajo's faction, which was to close the remaining seats in Beledweyne to private individuals.

The president of HirShabelle has met with most of the candidates for the remaining 11 seats in Beledweyne and made it clear that he will never allow the candidates to be discriminated against.

The meeting was also attended by HirShabelle Vice President Yusuf Ahmed Hagar (Dabageed) who opposed the opening of seats.

Farmajo is using Yusuf Ahmed Hagar (Dabageed) to prevent some of Beledweyne's most prominent politicians from returning to Parliament.

Gudlawe called on the candidates to calm the situation, ensure that no one is robbed of their seats, and work with security forces to ensure security in Beledweyne during the elections.

Farmajo and his group are currently trying to get loyal MPs out of Beledweyne, in defiance of President Gudlawe's promise during his first visit to Beledweyne.

Farmajo and his group are responsible for any looting and delay in the Beledweyne election.

The Federal Electoral Commission (FEC) has suspended the by-elections in Beledweyne, Hiraan region, citing complaints about the process.

Farmajo's plan is to take the seat even if somalia collapses.

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