Sunday, March 13, 2022

elections shift from Garbaharey to Kismayo

Rooble and Ahmed Madoobe

Farmajo and his allies' troubles in Garbaharey have become the biggest challenge facing Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble at the moment.

Garbaharey is the seat of the 2nd Jubbaland constituency and has 16 seats in the House of the People in the constituency of Jubbaland.

The Gedo regional administration, which is being pushed back by Farmajo, has completely blocked the arrival of a committee appointed by the Prime Minister to assess the situation in Garbaharey, the regional capital of Gedo.

Prime Minister Ruble told US Ambassador to Somalia Larry Andre on Thursday that there were obstacles to the Garbaharey election, which is being disrupted by Farmajo.

Jubbaland President Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Ahmed Madobe) also informed the US Ambassador that no elections could take place in Garbaharey, as Farmajo was disrupting it.

But Roble and Ahmed Madobe agreed to move the election from Garbaharey to Kismayo.

Farmajo & his group plan to loot the 16 seats in Garbaharey otherwise they will create explosions or delay the election.

So what is the next step for the United States to take, although he recently said that it will impose sanctions on those who obstruct the electoral process in the country.

As Parliamentary Elections are again on the verge of being delayed, beyond March 15th.

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